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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

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25. Agosto 2003, 14:04:22
Rogue Lion 
Assunto: Pawns & Tournaments
1.) If maximum players per section is set to five(5) then everyone assumes pawns only need four(4) games available yet they get the boot if they don't have five(5) games available (unless it's been "fixed").
2.) If a pawn has finshed all games in an ongoing tournament, and cannot advance, he must make special request to enter new tournament (unless it's been "fixed").
These are very frustrating for tournament creators and participants. Can these items be corrected?

25. Agosto 2003, 07:15:23
Assunto: Tourneys
An obversation...

I would LOVE to be able to browse the
tourneys by date of start....
Some tourneys don't start for weeks... :)

24. Agosto 2003, 06:24:04
Assunto: Win | Loss | Draw | Abandon
Not sure if this can be incorported, but maybe (particularly with the site database going down ... sorry Fencer but it has happened) a fourth option could be implimented where a game can be abandoned with agreement of both parties. This would not be counted for games played or for BKR but would allow for a resolution of games such as Battleboats where positions are discovered only to be reset to an earlier position and there is no way for players to remember what they played (I find chess is a little easier to remember but have still made mistakes in this too).

For tournament games the game would be restarted.

23. Agosto 2003, 23:28:36
The Listener 
*And Mr. Asimov waves a fond "up yours" to Mr. Roddenberry as they depart from an illusory stage.* :·P

23. Agosto 2003, 23:04:26
The Listener 
Assunto: Danoschek
What you want to see?:

I give up.

Ah, my words fall upon cloth eyes and ears.

Be seeing you, No.2

23. Agosto 2003, 22:35:34
The Listener 
Assunto: Re: Danoschek
And new beginnings out of view?

Recognition of the first eye to a friend should see past an honest error.

23. Agosto 2003, 22:04:35
The Listener 
Assunto: danoschek
Funny how quickly friend can turn to foe... ~*~

23. Agosto 2003, 22:02:35
Assunto: Placebo Spiral
I tried to accomodate a request as I had noticed that Fencer was
not online much - anything else was strictly feature-oriented as that
fiddling moderator who was reported already before, as busted on
even counterfeiting board-messages has to be reconfigured not only imho ...
dare your fantasy - on this board I targeted him as bk-feature malfunction ... ~*~

23. Agosto 2003, 21:34:23
The Listener 
Assunto: Danocrite
NOW who's straying the topic?? ~*~

23. Agosto 2003, 18:19:40
Assunto: Fencer was rarely on
during the past two days, he should be granted a vacant
weekend from time to time - Liquid has held the fortress ... ;)

of course the game will be restaured as it happened during
your holidays anyway and belonged to the flaws of that
only a harrasser and message-faker of the trice type, but
no moderator would consider drawing any advantage from ...

go figure why that joke of a federation has only 500 members - and this in
a country having almost an equally high population as the EU - who would
voluntarily (unless with masochistic tendencies) surrender to a megalomaniac who screws up erraneously every now and then ? my yahoo club grew to 300 in between a few months, honesty is that attracts, wishiwashi not ... ~*~

23. Agosto 2003, 18:13:20
Assunto: Re:
I have asked Fencer but he has not answered until as yet.But I have asked my opponent too and he has refused

23. Agosto 2003, 18:08:50
Assunto: Re: Board problems
Trice strikes again. lol. He certainly is the World Champ of self-serving low-down offensive meanness. :o)

23. Agosto 2003, 18:06:13
If a game ended because of server problems, I think that would be something you need to ask Fencer to fix.

23. Agosto 2003, 17:54:28
Assunto: Board problems
Okay,after the moderator has removed my message from the Gothic Board I have no choice and have to public the message at another position to inform and ask the players.In this message has not been contained some slighting contents ore something, but an issue which is interesting for all players and additionally the moves of a deleted game:

"During my vacation it has been a dataserver crash and one of my game was deleted.
I public now on this way the moves and the position of this game and offer my opponent to continue at the broken position.

[White "GothicChessPro"]
[Black "CaissasDream"]

1.Nj3 d5 2.h3 Nh6 3.g4 f6 4.f4 i6 5.Bf3 Bi7 6.Cd3 Af7 7.c4 c6 8.cxd5 cxd5 9.Nc3 e6 10.Ni5 0-0 11.Ah2 j6 12.Nj3 Nd7 13.Rg1 Qe7 14.b3 g5 15.Nb5 Nc5 16.Ba3 Nxd3 17.Bxe7 Cxe7 18.exd3 Bd7 19.Nc7 Rac8 20.f5 exf5 21.Nxd5 Axd5 22.Bxd5 Cxd5 23.Rg3 f4 24.Rg2 Bb5 25.Kg1 Bxd3 26.Af3 Cd6 27.Rf2 Re8 28.Rc1 Nf7 29.Kh2 Ne5 30.Ag1(White offeres Draw)f5 31.Rxc8 Rxc8 32.gxf5 Cxf5

I would like to hear the opinions of the other players.Should this game be continued or should it be aborted?"

End of the message!

I propose as first to replace this moderator who tolerates only messages which are good for himself.It was not the first time,that messages are deleted by himself.He is not the owner and he cannot decide about the rules alone.

I propose as second to vote a group of arbiters ,one of every section (chess,checkers,ships.. etc..)which can advice and decide of the majority about contentions between the players.It cannot be that one man alone defines what is to do or not to do.

23. Agosto 2003, 13:07:23
I kinda miss blackhole reversi and hotspot four in a row.
But if these did come here I'd like to see a change, that is...

More than one black hole/hotspot in each game. The person creating the game chooses how many there should be (up to a certain number of course! Maybe 5?) and they also choose where to place them.

23. Agosto 2003, 13:02:49
Assunto: Request
Draughts / International Checkers (on a 10x10 board)

22. Agosto 2003, 10:13:11
The Rat 
Assunto: Move number on the message archive
Would it be possible to add the move number a message was sent to the message archive? I'm trying to review my old games, but it's a bit difficult to connect the right comments to the right moves - ecspecially since I can't seem to find the time a move was made anywhere...


22. Agosto 2003, 00:07:53
Assunto: two suggestions
1) could we have the option of a real correspondance chess ?
i.e. 30 days reflection time per 10 moves, cumulatably -
1st time-violation lets restart that cycle and means warning,
2nd time-violation loses the game unconditionally.

2) offering draw should be changed generally ...
according to the rules it has to be done after a move and,
two draw-offers 'in row' by the same person are not allowed
i.e. the right to offer draw alternates between both players.


21. Agosto 2003, 22:07:56
Assunto: Re: Personal reminder area...
that would work, except I tend to delete messages en masse...so I'd probably delete that one too. lol

21. Agosto 2003, 22:04:46
Assunto: Re: Personal reminder area...
I actually send myself a message!

At the top of the "Message box" page, just enter your own name as the one to send a message to. :-)

21. Agosto 2003, 21:48:05
Assunto: re: IP Addresses
I don't think seeing a persons IP adress would do any good BBW, there are that many utilities that will mask / hide or falsify an IP address these days, which isn't a bad idea when playing on the internet for prolonged periods. Keeps you safe from hackers!!

21. Agosto 2003, 21:44:40
Assunto: Personal reminder area...
Would it be possible, or even practical to have a little section off the main page to put notes to yourself, ie...personal reminders, or notes about a particular opponent other than on a specific game?

21. Agosto 2003, 03:17:31
re ip adresses , i dont agree in that only for fencer to see if anybody ..i wouldnt like my ip to be shown too many hackers

21. Agosto 2003, 03:14:45
Assunto: Ratings list
I'd like to see my record against an individual in a particular game on the ratings list for that game next to the players name.

Order Player BKR Counted games Your record
1. PlayerOne 2100 36 1-4
2. PlayerTwo 2050 60 3-2

21. Agosto 2003, 03:12:19
Assunto: Re:
You'de have to do more detective work than that though, since I'm sure some people play from the same machine legitimately, particularly within a family. Also anyone playing moves from the same office network would possible register as the same IP address as well.

21. Agosto 2003, 02:57:48
I know some people will not like this idea, but I would love to see in a person profile where a person has signed on from/IP address. (Something like: Last logon from: This would allow other user to do their own "investigation" to see if people are signing in with multiply ID's, trying to cheat tournaments, etc.... Sooner or later I'll probable have a prize tournament, and I would like to be able to see if people are trying to cheat or not.

20. Agosto 2003, 23:34:12
Absolutely NO comment whatsoever!!! ROFL!!!! :OP

20. Agosto 2003, 23:29:39
Yeah I figured that after I had used the saved formats for a while LOL Not one of my cleverest moments??

20. Agosto 2003, 23:26:22
Yeah but even the best layouts can only be used a couple of times at best, because othe rplayers may look back through your old games and spot any that you use more than once.

20. Agosto 2003, 23:24:03
I think that is the best Idea BBW, if you want to know ask? Some people may have a really good deployment orientation and might not want you to see where their boats were so they can use it again?

20. Agosto 2003, 23:19:19
Assunto: Battleboats Suggestion
I belive being able to see the other persons ships after the game is over has been suggested before, and I believe it is on fencers "to do" list.

BUT, here is my suggestion (if it is possible): If a battleboat game is timed out, do NOT show the other persons boat for at least 3-4 days. Since this site does have server problems every once and awhile, and does cause some games to time-out and restored again - it would be very unfair fo someone to have a chance to see where the other persons's boats are then have the game reinstated. You would then have to start the game all the way over - again, not fair to the person ahead. So if that is not possible, I would vote to leave it how it is - you can't see the other person's boat.

NOTE: I've wondered about where someone's boat were and I did a pertty simple thing - I asked them and they told me where they were!

20. Agosto 2003, 13:19:47
Assunto: battle boats
when a game is finished and i would like to see where the boat was that evaded me i cant see it (only the board that i could see during the game ) could this be changed to allow us seeing all the boats please

19. Agosto 2003, 09:42:59
Assunto: Re: notes during games ?
thanks fencer , i feel a bit thick now lol ,because it was the same shade as my background didnt realise i could write in it ;~)

19. Agosto 2003, 08:59:42
Assunto: Re: notes during games ?
Nope, the grwy background has been added to make a visual difference between these two text areas [notes and messages]. Several players had requested it some months ago.

19. Agosto 2003, 08:51:29
Assunto: notes during games ?
i used to be able to make notes formyself during games but mine is all shaded grey has this function been turned off (been like this a while now) or is it something i maybe have switched off without knowing

19. Agosto 2003, 03:34:16
Assunto: Re: Multiplayer games? -- Yes!!
I have played chaturanga for four players and think that it would be a good game to add to BrainKing. Team play is a lot of fun.

There is a large chess variant for two players called Big Battle (see chessvariants.com) that is played on a 10x10 board that would be a great addition. Not only is it fast-paced (a surprise on the larger board) but well balanced, like Gothic Chess.

It is not a mere variation on the theme of Gothic Chess, though; and on the strength of that and the popularity of chess variants on the site, I think that it would be good to give it consideration.

19. Agosto 2003, 02:23:22
I've thought about that too. If you have a move option of picking who to play, its easier to choose from who is online.

19. Agosto 2003, 01:29:04
Assunto: Re:
If i remember rightly is was mentioned before about putting it under the options on the left when playing a move, but to be in the normal place on the main page.

19. Agosto 2003, 01:26:07
Ah, i didn't read it carefully enough ;-)

Yes, that is a good idea...but where would this list be put on the game pages?

19. Agosto 2003, 01:20:40
Assunto: Re:
Kevin, i think what GrassHopper means is that they are show when we are playing an actual move, i think this was brought up b4.

19. Agosto 2003, 01:15:59
Those are listed on your main page on the right, right beneath the date and time :-)

18. Agosto 2003, 23:58:26
Fencer,I love your site.... I would like,,, :) to be able to see my "Friends on-line" list, on the game pages.. That way when I am playing,,,I can see my friends who are on-line... {'_'}

18. Agosto 2003, 11:07:04
Assunto: request

18. Agosto 2003, 05:28:11
Assunto: Re: Multiplayer games? -- Yes!!
I think the idea of games for four players like chaturanga is excellent!! Is the shogi game for four maybe too foreign, though? It would be very complex.

18. Agosto 2003, 00:40:50
Assunto: Placebo Spiral
anything to advance the board topic ?
not ? I thought so ... buh bye ... ~*~

18. Agosto 2003, 00:31:12
The Listener 
Oh, danoschek
Come off your high Janus! :·P

17. Agosto 2003, 13:48:08
Assunto: penetrant babblerod's board abuse
it's okay, ear-stuffer ... smartness of games is really not your subject.

and now back off and put your obsessive iyt-bs where it belongs ...
my pygmy pony sounds better from his back than you from the front ...

I refrain from requesting to implement some artificial intelligence as new
feature for our comrade with such an immense natural stupidity because
respecting board topics is an unconquerable obstacle for hollow ramble-
fanatics and their dwarfhood of screwing up to personal attacks ... ~*~

17. Agosto 2003, 08:36:35
It is only closed because I don't feel like dealing with your usual nonsense

17. Agosto 2003, 04:49:36
Assunto: after the nonsense is closed ...
I support implementing the doubling cube because unlike other rules and
their supporters it improves the smartness of the game ... good night :) ~*~

17. Agosto 2003, 04:48:00
Assunto: dizzy roddy
you should know at least the rules here ... :P ... ~*~

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