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 Chess variants (10x8)

Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as
Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too

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... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted while that particular game is in progress)
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8. Outubro 2004, 06:28:03
Grim Reaper 
Assunto: Re: Another Anti-Computer game....
1. f2f4 d7d5 2. g2g3 g7g6 3. d2d4 Nb8c6 4. c2c3 Ni8h6 5. h2h3 Bh8f6?!

This is the so-called "Bishop Lunge" problem in the earlier versions of Vortex. The program gets a bonus for being able to reach more squares with its Bishops, so it deploys to the third rank almost in every case. The natural 5...Bg7 seems better.

6. Ag1h2 e7e6

Another shallow search error. 6...Nf5 is much better. The intention is to play ...Nd6 if provoked with pawn play later, perhaps hitting on a white Bishop on e4 if white traded pawns via a push to e4 and bishop recapture. Black also has a counterplay trap: 6...Nf5 7. g4? Bh4! hitting on the white Chancellor. No matter where the Chancellor moves next, 8...Ng3+ is deadly.

7. Ni1j3 Ag8e7?

I like making the exposed Black King a sore point after an e-pawn push. 7. b3 intending the flank Bishop check with 8. Ba3+ would work good for white. After 7. Nj3 Black should simply play 7...Be7 to clear off f6, prepare ...Nf5 and ...Ng7, deploy a better pawn perimeter, and only then, castle.

8. g3g4 Bf6g7?!

There is nothing wrong with white's 8th move, but black should have played 8...Bh4 for some slight counterplay.

9. Bh1f3 f7f6

On 9. g5 black gets the upper hand with 9...Nf5 10. Bf3 h5! After white's 9. Bf3, black has to be careful about castling. 9...0-0 10. g5! Ng8 11. e4! dxe4 12. Bxj7+ Kj8 13. Be2 does leave black with a tough choice. 10...Nf5 leads to the same attack for white. Black's 9...f6 is not best, as the odd-looking 9...Nj5 may do the trick! White can't provoke with 10. i4 since ...Nh4 trades knights favorably. If 10 g5 to cutoff the Queen/Archbishop combo on the dark diagonal, then ...h5 solves all of black's worries (10. i4? hxi4 11. hxi4? Rh8! 12. ixj5 Rxh2 13. Nxh2 Af5 looks odd, but black is better.)

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