Subject: Down the hall Cathy slams her door!! Removing her clothes she steps into the shower.. letting the warm water drizzle onto her face.. slowly trickling over her SOFT skin..
The steam surrounds her.. as the hot water relaxes her.. Smoothing shampoo over her hair, rubbing up the lather.. and slowly rinsing it away.. Oohhhh.. she reaches for the handle.. turning it off.. and steps out onto the bath towel.. wrapping her hair up snuggly inside.. grabbing the terri cloth robe hanging on the hook.. she wraps herself snuggly inside... walks over to the bed.. tucks herself in.. and drifts off to sleep..
From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)
Date: 06/26/03, 21:05
Subject: yes,a seance...*still a little dazed*... u-uhh yes,im ok-thank you B-my room is just 3 doors down...i appreciate you walking with me..
Subject: As she lay sleeping.. Visions of that BIG HUNKY Man known as The STUDD Muffinz.. enters her dreams..
He is stepping into the shower with her.. LOL and helps her lather her hair.. Massaging her scalp.. and working his way to her temples.. His hands feel sooooo powerful.. So relaxing.. and soooooo secure.. AAwe she moans softly in her sleep.. hahahaha.. She grabs onto his hands as they caress her neckline.. the water stimulatingly shoots onto her Bre*sts.. she turns around to him.. and feels his BBBbbrrRrrrrrInnnnnGGG!!! BBBBRRRRIiiiiiinnnnnnngggGG!!! Cathy grabs the phone almost dropping it from being so startled!! Erika softly speaks on the other end.. asking if she is ready to go to the seance.. Half awake.. Cathy nods her head and replies.. YEs.. OH!! SHoOt!! Yes!!! I'll be right over.. She sets the phone back on the cradle and quickly grabs her clothes.. buttoning her blouce on the way out the door..
************************************** From: Studd Muffinz Hero At Your Service (itikrrup) Date: 06/26/03,
22:48 Subject: I can be your hero, baby.
Message: I can kiss away the pain. I will stand by you forever. You can take my breath away.
Would you dance if I asked you to dance? Would you run and never look back? Would you cry if you saw me cry? And would you save my soul, tonight?
From: (raven1111) Date: 06/27/03, 10:39 Subject: Raven knocks on the door of room 664 Message: she has dressed appropriately for a seance, in her mid calf length black dress, black pumps and black stockings. on her neck she wears her amulet to protect her from harm. Most important of all, in her hair, she wears the anti charm. this charm will work to close the portal when the time comes. hopefully that will be tonight if all goes well. I wonder what psychic they got? goddess answers the door and motions for Raven to have a seat in the living room. Chief is passing around a tray with drinks and yummy looking snacks. In the Diningroom, Raven can see, a large round table has been set up. a low hanging light is positioned over the center of the table and there are chairs all around the table. There are candles in muted colors lit all around the room and sitting next to one chair is a large leather and brass trunk with a shiney gold lock holding the lid in place.......
From: (raven1111) Date: 06/27/03, 10:53 Subject: He can sence the presence of the other one
Message: in the hotel. He wanders from floor to floor stopping briefly at each door to feel if the presence gets stronger. He has finished the 2nd floor and feels that the aura has gotten weaker as he goes higher in the hotel. The other one must not be in one of the rooms, he must be on the ground floor. He returns to the lobby of the hotel and hears voices and laughter coming from the courtyard at the rear of the hotel. Could the other one be in there? He moves to the entrance of the court yard and stands in the doorway.....Cathy gets up from the table to go fill her plate up once more, since everyone has pinched her food. As she turns from the table she glances up at the doorway. A big smile comes over her face and she begins to wave and yell "OVER HERE, SIT WITH US, WE WERE WONDERING WHEN YOU WOULD SHOW UP!"
From: § (royalpatmissy) Date: 06/27/03, 11:33 Subject: princess turns to B and once again...
Message: thanks him for walking her to her room..he says,"It was my pleasure!" then he softly kisses her on the cheek & slowly turns around & starts walking away...princess yells out,"I hope to see you at the seance!" then she steps into her room & quickly freshens up(worried she might be late)now then,what shall i wear?
From: Madame Cucumber (oh_me_oh_my)
Date: 06/27/03, 13:28 Subject: Has every arrived?..... Message: Please be seated and let the seance begin. As you can see, the ouigi board is placed on the glass table in the middle of the room here. I ask everyone to be perfectly quiet. Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
Let's begin....
From:E£vira(PrinCessHarley) Date: 06/27/03, 14:02 Subject: Breathes deep:) Message: E£vira just love a good séance.....hehehehe...maybe she will find my long lost man here too...ooops:)she sits down and places her fingers on the ouiji does all the rest of the ppl...some with scared lQQks upon their candle lit faces...others with wicked smiles screamin for more:)just then the chantin begins.... Madame Cucumber ask everyone to say these words together: " spirit, we ask that you commune with us and move among us."...after a few moments... there is a sudden decrease in room temperature...and a rapping sound...Madame Cucumber asks.... if you are with us please rap once....
From: § (higgsfam) Date: 06/27/03, 14:05 Subject: Fingers tingling.. Eyes wide open.. nervous expression on face.. Message: A loud "Rap" comes out of nowhere..
Cathy sits nervously wonderin if she will make it through the evening...
From: (bwildman) Date: 06/27/03, 14:22 Subject: *RAP* Message: The Wildman knocks again......Come on,people..let me in!!!! Don't you know Boat Mechanics are always late!!!
From: (raven1111) Date: 06/27/03, 14:22 Subject: An almost inaudible whisper Message: can be heard high overhead the seance group. The hair on raven's arms stand straight up and the charm in her hair begins to get very warm. Raven glances around the table at the faces of the participants, trying to detect any sign of possible possession by spirts of the magical world. She sees none yet. The face of The cucumber is contorted and flushed, she appears to be receiving some type of life force. Raven asks the first question of the force inhabiting the cucumber. "Who are you?"
From: (bwildman) Date: 06/27/03, 14:28 Subject: BANG BANG BANG!!!!!!
Message: Open up!!! Its me..BWILDMAN!!!! LOL:)
From: (raven1111) Date: 06/27/03, 14:31 Subject: Earlier that the BBQ Message: He walks over smiling and sits down at the table. Hello everyone. Glad you could join our Event. Has anyone been over to the Amusment park? I hear the Roller Coaster is exceptionally scary this year. You all must make a point to get over there. Has any one tried the Clams Casino on the buffet? I made them myself.... do try them..... Goddess,
Princess, Erika, Raven, chief and Cathy begin to chat about the big event going on this evening in Goddess's room. He listens intently. He thinks to himself, " there are people here who would try to stop my plan, I must interfere with their little seance game tonight, give them a little thrill, but through them off the track". He stands and says "Please enjoy yourselves, my friends. perhaps i will see you later. dont forget to go ride the coaster or even the Swings, I hear they are a wild ride also" He turns and leaves the courtyard. A rage begins to develop inside him......
From: § (royalpatmissy) Date: 06/27/03, 14:35
Subject: princess runs down the hall and see's B... Message: pounding on the door...Im late also,B-how long have you been here pounding on the door?
From: (raven1111) Date: 06/27/03, 14:35 Subject: Raven removes her fingers from the board Message: temporarily to go open the door for bwildman. Hurry in son and have a seat the fun is about to begin. As bwildman walks past her, Raven, gets a cold chill. she watches him walk to his seat and in the candle light, she sees his aura. What a bright strangly pulsating aura it is. Could he be the one? she must investigate this possiblity and keep a close watch on him. Raven sits back in her seat and urges bwildman to place his fingers on the board with the others and turns once more to the cucumber to see if the answer to her question is ready to come out.
From: § (royalpatmissy) Date: 06/27/03, 14:39 Subject: Hey! open up! you closed the door on me!!!
From: § (higgsfam) Date: 06/27/03, 14:44 Subject: Cathy takes the opportunity to arise from her spot.. Message: relieved to get some normalacy, and answers the door.. Hi Princess.. good to see you made it.. I believe there is an extra chair over there.. between Chief and Erika..
Message: and takes her spot...sorry im late,she says softly...
From: § (AngelKisses) Date: 06/27/03, 14:52 Subject: omg!!! Message: Angel is soo scared she lQQks at Madame Cucumber whose eyes r now rollin back in her head...she wants to jump up and run...but cant she is frozen in fear...she glances at Bwildman who has a big smile on his face...he doesnt seem to b scared at all...maybe he knows something we dont...Angel wonders what it could b...hopin it all will come out soon so she can get a strong drink, Angel concentrates hard on the spirit which seems to b within Madame Cucumber ...just then Madame Cucumber rises from her seat...mouth wide open tryin to talk...noises r comin out....what is it she is tryin to say????????????
Chhhhuuuu!! emerges in a more than silent room, from the lips of Madame Cucumber.
And just as quickly as the spirit came through her body. It quickly left.
Passing over to Angels body. Her eyes suddenly looked as though fire were burning. Her mouth twisted open, arms flinging, hips a shakin.. She rose to the center point of the table.. Hoovering over it.
I WANT REVENGE!!!! quickly shot out of her mouth in a deep angered voice..
Angle trembled in fear as the spirit enclosed her being.. Unable to control its overpowering nature...
From: (bwildman) Date: 06/27/03, 15:08 Subject: Having never been to a seance before.. Message: the Wildman is slightly
bewildered at the ongoing events. The table is now full,with everyone holdin hands.The room rocks back and forth with the eeirie light illuminating from the candles. The crazy looking lady...wearing what appears to be..mod style wallpaper,for a dress and a towel of some kind,wrapped around her jerking back and forth like 440 volts is charging through her nervous system.... Suddenly...something touchs his leg...then something else touchs the other!Always calm in the face of danger...the Wildman remains calm,and waits to see what happens next.
From: (PrinCessHarley) Date: 06/27/03, 15:10 Subject: Just as E£vira is about.... Message: to speak...something starts comin out of Angel's is a whitish gray colored is hoverin above the heads of all the participants at the sé swoops down lower...maybe to get a better lQQk or searchin for something...someone???Poor Angel is collapsed on the table...the room is gettin quite chilly now...E£vira wishes she had wore more clothes:)she wonders if this being is good or evil....who is it after...she thinks back to a time long ago...had she done anything to piss off any spirits...evil or good...she hopes not;)
From: § (higgsfam) Date: 06/27/03, 15:23 Subject: My nails dig deeply into Bwildmans leg.. Message: from the tenseness of the Seance.. Not realizing I am squeezing as hard as I am..
Seeing Angel float about the table and stuff coming from her mouth..
She thinks.. Hmmm Pat Chu..?? Is Pat Chu trying to get revenge?? Or is Pat Chu the target??
OH mY!!!
In her excitement.. Cathy's hand runs lightly up Bwildmans leg.. before placing it back in her own lap..
From: § (royalpatmissy) Date: 06/27/03, 20:05
Subject: shaking like a leaf after seeing... Message: Angel floating over the table,and madame cucumber freaking out,princess jumps up & runs to sit next to B,almost sitting right on top of him-he'll keep me safe,she thinks to herself...B puts his arm around princess and says,"dont worry,i wont let anything happen to you"wow! you really are trembling!princess starts to feel a little more secure now-thanks B,she says...
From: § (higgsfam) Date: 06/28/03, 11:00 Subject: Would you mind getting off of me, Princess?? Message: I can barely breathe as it is, Cathy adds.
This is getting to be too much.. as she pushes Princess off and stands to leave..
I need to get some rest so I can hit the Grand Opening later.. she states as she heads towards the door..
From: (oh_me_oh_my) Date: 06/28/03, 13:04 Subject: Crackle! Boom!! BANG!!! Lightening struck next to the window suddenly Message: just as Cathy tried to walk out the door.. She stood frozen with a look of terror in her eyes..
Madame Cucumber immediately asks the spirit.. "Are you Pat Chu?, Please give us a sign if you are?" Silence filled the room.
As Angel lies upon the table the spirit swooped from her and immediately jumped back into Madame Cucumber.. Steam rolled from her lips, eyes brightly shone fire.. as her body started to illuminate in the nearly darkened room. NO!! Came the words.. I have a cold.. I am Patrick Smithenbaulker.. I NEED the SYMBOL!!! Worn in the pocket of .... the spirit started to fade out.. Cathy stood quietly, letting her hand move to her back pocket of her jeans.. OMG! she thought, could it be my unicorn he is after? She again turns to walk out, only stopped again with another crash of lightening..
Not knowing what to do she steps back in the room. Madame Cucumber motions for her to return to her seat.. Shakingly she abides.
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