Modificado por ScarletRose (24. Agosto 2006, 01:03:29)
Modified ONLY to make it more readable ;)
Groucho: I view story tag as quick responces with little thought.. I saw these additions similar to the stories we would write (years ago) at IYT.. where they were thought out.. and contained bulk.. most who would participate made up their own characters.. we had a great time.. lots of mystery.. lots of laughs.. and lots of peeps who just like reading them..
I found a story and thought I would share some of it..
Topic: Addicted to IYT From:§»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§« (higgsfam)
Subject: Cathy reaches into her mail box.. pulling out the Thursday flyers, and bills.. suddenly an offwhite envelope drops to the floor.. HMmm?? no return address, she thinks to herself as she slips her finger along the seal to pop it open..
Slipping out the card snuggly fit inside she smiles as she reads.. "Your are cordially invited!" and hurridley she opens it to find.. "To attend The IYT annual Picnic located at the IYT Town Amusement Park" scanning quickly over the details she runs back towards her home.. to arrange the travel arrangements and dates her calendar.. WOw.. that is this weekend!!
She calls in her reservations and prepares her bags to leave..
Later that evening she arrives at the IYT Town Hotel and checks in.. Looking around the lobby to see if she recognizes anyone..
Subject: ... Cochise finds a message left on his machine... ... Damn, the message is 3 days old... He quickly informs his first mate that he will be away for the weekend and that he is to retrive the longlines on his own... Only have time to pack a dufflebag and will pick up anything needed when I arrive... A quick look around proves that packing should be done slowly as he picks up the almost forgotten pipe...
Subject: One question.. are there 'coasters?....and how long are the lines? (okay, that's two questions, but from my town of Nobody Cracked Here, that's alright.
--------------------------------------- From: §APACHE CHIEF OF THE MESCALAROS (cochise4)
Subject: ... Upon entry...... Cochise spends almost 3 hours at the airport checkin while trying to explain the white powder in the pipe... After a quick call to the reservation he gets the results that he was waiting for... Damn uninformed airport police, Oh well ... Off to the hotel and a much needed nap...
From: Paranoia Promoter (raven1111)
Subject: Raven checks in on her message board and finds the invitation to the iyt event. Dang i hope im not too late!
Running into the lobby, I see most everyone is still by the pool, only most of them are burnt to a crisp and sipping brightly colored drinks with funny umbrellas in them. Oh well, I have some serious making up to do. Barkeep! i will have a Sour Apple Martini please and get the next one ready, this one wont take long to drink! Hi everyone! welcome back cathy, how was the trip?
--------------------------------------- From: §Foxy Lady(proud member of the ES Mob) (Foxy Lady)
Subject: Ok Cathy i'm here i got your invite Did i miss it all or are you all in the ER burnt to a crisp?
--------------------------------------- From: §Big Bad Wolf ²ººº at the beach party (silverbullet111)
Subject: Sneaks over to the beach nearby ..............Wow lQQk at all the bikini babes :P SURFS UP
Subject: ... Ok OK!!!... I'm here, now where is my room??? cochise runs past all the people wanting to see if he brought the pipe and hides in the elevator... Damn, If I don't get some rest I'll pass out in front of everyone...
Subject: After freshning up some, Cathy steps out of her room... and heads down to the pool reaching the patio she quickly heads over to the barmaid placing her order for a Long Island..
Sipping slowly on her refreshment she glances around.. mingling through the crowd.. first passing Foxy and recalling that date to be her last wedding date.. adding that must be a popular date..*giggle*.. after short convo Raven stops over.. I had a lovely vacation.. just wish I could have visited more with a Special person.. adding that Erika and her family were very nice and is definately like a sister she never had.. I also was able to meet up with my oldest daughter and her special someone.. before returning home.. It was the most memorable vacation I have ever had the pleasure of taking.. True, real.. down to earth meetings.. How is your summer treating you?? Any vacations in the near future for you?.. Glancing more around the pool and noticing Erika, Excuse me.. I am being called from the other side.. perhaps we can catch up more after a bit..
Cathy steps over to Erika.. announcing the RollerCoaster she noticed from the cab on the way to the Hotel.. including the camcorder is all set and ready to catch the expressions from those who dare to ride it.. LOL..
Soon the barmaid walks over handing Cathy another Long Island.. she quickly gulps down the rest of the first one.. feeling a bit light headed in a good way..
HMmmm.. wonder who all will be here?? Glancing more around the patio..
Subject: oooooooohh no ya don't..Erika instructs one of the kids to remove the battery from the camcorder, as Erika's had enuf pics taken for the next 5 yrs. (!!!) The lil' one gives Erika the camera battery, without Cathy noticing, Erika runs inside, hits the elevator button, and notices some passed out Indian Chief riding up and down in the elevator, with nobody else present. "Oh well" she thinks to herself.. wonder if he'll notice that i've exchanged this battery for that intriguing looking white powder.
Erika then begins to walk back outside, anxious to ride the coasters, when she hears somebody yelling "WHERE'S MY PINK LIGHTER???!!!" Whoops, she makes a 180, hoping nobody notices..
Subject: Cathy stands down at the patio mingling with everyone.. realizing that Erika has the whole night ahead of her to wait out.. Since the trip to IYT TOWN Amusement.. doesn't begin til Tomorrow!! LOL
Where is that battery from my camera.. Hmmm.. good thing I brought spares..
Subject: Raven is now on her 3rd Martini and feeling mello. Thats good that you had a nice trip, cathy. When my children were young, road trips were the best thing for them. they got to see a different place almost every day and didnt get bored. we would drive during the night when they were asleep in the back seat, so we didnt hear alot of "are we there yet". lol I did go on a vacation to boston just last week to visit my daughter and i plan another in august to the deep south to visit relatives. I bet it was nice to see your daughter again, i know how hard it is having them away from home. Man its getting hot out here, im going for a dip, talk to you later. Raven takes out one of the rafts with the drink holders in it and lays down on the water to soak up the afternoon sun.
Subject: The Princess finally arrives... ...she looks around very nervously hoping to get aquainted with everyone here...hmmmmmm feeling thirsty-i need a drink! 0:-)
--------------------------------------- From: §APACHE CHIEF OF THE MESCALAROS (cochise4)
Subject: ... One long island iced tea comming up...... Cochise ,now refreashed decides to help out the hotel by serving drinks...
Subject: Long Island iced tea? mmmmm yummy! Princess starts sipping on the "iced tea" very slowly...very satisfied,her mouth is no longer dry..thanks cochise! its very nice of you to help out!
Subject: Well hello Princess.. :) It is always nice to meet up with new faces.. Hope you enjoy the events of this week..
*motions to the barmaid for another round*
--------------------------------------- From: §»§Huggz§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸(¯`Cathy´¯)¸¤´¯)¤³´`*:»§Kissez§« (higgsfam) Subject: and you certainly look so kewt in that short cocktail hula skirt with the coconut bra like top!! *giggle*
Subject: I want one in Hot Pink..... Hey girl friend.. Good to see ya make it!! Getting set for the bbq later? and then the Amusement park.. ?? wonder if we will get to meet Pat Chu.. ??
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