Scarlet finishes brushing her hair and dawbs some lip gloss on.. *beep beep*..
She quickly rushes out the front door, excited about her evening out. The Annual Spring Hoedown was always a favorite event for the young ladies of the area.. for this is the time of year when the new Ranch hands would be around town having fun before the steady work of summer consumes them. And, it was also a time when the town would crown the Annual Spring Princess..
Hey all!! Scar quickly pushes out while she flings herself into the car and shuts the door..
The girls pulled up and parked along the curb. Pastel lights are swaying in the gentle breeze and the barn music blares over the speakers hung from the park lamps.. The girls look at each other giggling anticipating a nightful of fun..
(esconder) Se está interessado no progresso de um torneio em que participa, pode discuti-lo com os seus adversários no fórum desse torneio. (HelenaTanein) (mostrar todas as dicas)