oh whoops! LOL I was trying to post on the page of the book request, and they both came here I finished One Thousand White Women and Songs in ordinary Time..wondering where to send them next....both good reads : )
Swan by Frances Mayes I would really love to have the chance to read this book. I was going to snag it from mom before she sent it off.. but, was too busy at the time.
Assunto: morale a woman that reads knows how to think too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Modificado por GGROBINLOVE (10. Julho 2006, 23:57:29)
Brokeback Deputies
A group of retired deputy sheriffs went to a retreat in the mountains.
To save money, they decided to sleep two to a room. But no one wanted to room with Daryl because he snored so badly. They decided it wasn't fair to make one of them stay with him the whole time, so they voted to take turns.
The first deputy slept in Daryl's room and comes to breakfast the next morning with his hair a mess and his eyes all bloodshot. They said,"Man, what happened to you?" He said, "Daryl snored so loudly, I just sat up and watched him all night."
The next night it was a different deputy's turn. In the morning, same thing -- hair all standing up, eyes all bloodshot. They said, "Whoa, bad night? You look awful!" He said, "Geez, that Daryl shakes the roof. I watched him all night."
The third night was Frank's turn. Frank was a big burly ex-football player; a man's man. The next morning he came to breakfast bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. "Good morning!" he said.
They couldn't believe it! They said, "Wow, what happened?" He said, "Well, we got ready for bed. I went and tucked Daryl into bed and kissed him good night. He sat up and watched me all night long."
Darn I thought I was replying to Doliitle but whatever I still don't have this book back from my son's girlfriend, although she read it and was charmed by it.
I'll send it on Do is the most proficient reader amongst us.
I am almost done with Charles Dickens: Four Complete Novels including Great Expectations Hard Times A Christmas Carol and A Tale of Two Cities
I would only pass this on if I could be certain that it would be appreciated and read thoroughly
ajtgirl: LOL I read it in high school. hmmm don't remember it much anymore.
Tuesday sent me 'A Million Little Pieces' so I have 2 copies now. She also wrote a note and says she's been busy working & fixing up the house and tell everyone Hi!
(lol, she says too that she is not using a new nic on BK!) rofl
Dolittle: AWESOME site Do!!!! I plan on buying all of the Harry Potter books.I borrowed all but the last one out,that one I bought.I want the entire collection and think I will get it from that site.Thank you!
Modificado por Mousetrap (15. Julho 2006, 16:38:26)
ajtgirl: Charles Dickens is one of my favourite authors, I read all his books when I was very young, that is how I learned to speak by reading his books out loud every night. Edited for spelling.
Wonderful! I went to high school in Texas and they didn't give a darn for Charles Dickens I have just finished Great Expectations and am ready for Hard Times next.
His imagery and vocabulary are so beautiful and I love his style of always promoting the underdog.
Dolittle: Of course not, and I didn't mean to offend I lived in the panhandle, strictly agricultural and livestock The parents in our school district, who elected the school board and chose the curiculum were making future farmers and homemakers in 1974 I learned a lot there but not about reading or the arts But I can sew an entire wardrobe for a man or a woman!
ajtgirl: They did,nt do it at my school either lol! My mam bought me all his books, it was to help me speak as I am deaf and it worked because I have never shut up since lol!
Modificado por Mousetrap (16. Julho 2006, 16:37:02)
ajtgirl: A Cristmas Carrol was always my favourite by the way. For poetry my favourites are Poe and Longfellow and the Latin version of Virgil,s Aneid, we had to learn that by heart at secondary school. I have always believed that all the best literature was written in Latin. Latin is not taught in secondary schools any more, my class was one of the last to do it, I was lucky! But I canna sew to save me life I,m afraid!
Assunto: "I Am a Cat" (吾輩は猫である) By Natsume Souseki (夏目漱石)
I read the first two books. Very interesting indeed. I would like to read a conversation between Garfield and the Cat from the Book... Or find Kon Ichikawa's film adaptation!!!
I am so delighted that you have fond memories of Charles Dickens' writings. Being deaf, they must have been quite an education in elocution He was one wordy fellow and with a sharp wit, indeed.
Assunto: Re: "I Am a Cat" (吾輩は猫である) By Natsume Souseki (夏目漱石)
瀬人様: Being a mouse I don,t really like to talk about this err subject but if I must, my favourite cat story is The Cat that Walked by Himself, the further away the better imo but its from the Jungle book.
baddessi: Another good one written in an humourous way is The Sex Lives of The Popes by Nigel Cawthorne, he wrote a series of them not sure I can repeat them on here though lol! Actually he is very good. I know I know I read some strange books!
baddessi: Thanks! Nice of you to offer but I think One Thousand White Women might be a bit too expensive to keep and I can,t even sing at all never mind Songs in Ordinary time.
baddessi: LOL! Well they both look good! I never heard of that intergration happening in the USA before and the Songs book reminds me of Catherine Cookson.
Modificado por Mousetrap (24. Julho 2006, 07:36:59)
ajtgirl: My paws won,t reach that far to put it on the shelf but if you mean for the circle you would be lucky if you ever got it from here unless I paid the highest postage which is the resgistered one it would be far cheaper to just buy it or go to the library there lol!
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