Welcome to the Diet Board. This is the place for anyone wanting advice, support or just to meet other people trying to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight too!
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Congrats to you Foxy Lady. Just sit back and relax. We'll keep you company. You can watch us all lose weight. LOL
I saw a doctor say on Tv about the water. He said when a feeling of being hungry comes on it could be a sign of your body telling you, you beed water. I thought it was so interesting. I tried it. It works, water will satisfy the feeling of being hungry. Of course you have to eat too. LOL
(esconder) Se clicar no nome de uma pessoa e depois em Jogos Terminados terá uma lista dos tipos de jogos já terminados; clicando sobre o tipo de jogo pretendido, terá um sumário de todos esses jogos. Clique no nome do jogo e terá um jogo para ver e analisar. (Servant) (mostrar todas as dicas)