Modificado por Nothingness (26. Janeiro 2005, 19:20:12)
heres a tip for the beginner espionage player. you will notice that some players will trade their 5s in exchange for their opponents 4s. This is not a mistake. Many feel that they are of equal value when in fact they are not, but it mainly depends on the situation adn your playing style. you can play a 3 vs a 5 fairly well if your an advanced player. Also be cautious about giving away your spys. they are your most prized pieces!!! No eyes no fight!
Dragon: you said: Like what knowledge do you have of my experience, ability, etc?
I see one completed game in your profile... Am I missing something? Nothingness has been playing this game for like 5 years (on IYT). I would think his knowledge/experience far exceeds your one game! Then again I could be wrong?
hmm i see your not very well versed in espionage /sabotage/ stratego strategy. being able to move back to the same spot prevents your opponent from tracing (not tracking) you while retreating from blind pieces that are discovered at a later time. but attacking is dangerous if you are able to move back to the same spot (very difficult to explain in this post). so you have to think a bit harder. As for comparing chess to other sites HUH?! Chess has "CHESS" rules. Espionage is its own game which followed a specific set of rules for that particular game and could be changed at any time. Chess rules are exactly that... chess rules you cant change them (well you could but then it becomes a different game). Espionage was made here and can be changed by the creator of the game. But now Espionage is Sabotage. a variance would be nice, with both sets of rules.. As for ratings i love the ratings system b/c it is like USCF. Please dont change the ratings system.
Dragon: Why move away from a "1"? Well if I'm getting ready to attack with a 5, but I know his "1" is protected by another 5 or a sapper - I will not attack and possible even move away, which may (in most cases) make my opponent think it is a very weak piece and may chase, allowing me to then turn around and attack. (Strategy I think it is called)
Will anything happen because I'm letting off a little steam in here? Of course not, but felt like venting somewhere.... that is all. :-)
For starters Big Bad Wolf, moving sideways from a "1" has nothing to do with this rule; like why move in the first place?!
Secondly, my rating's took a serious bashing with the "crash" 2 years ago. Subsequently, I had to restart games I had already won. Annoying? yes. Getting anywhere by being peeved off? No. Lesson: Accommodate the new rule and don't moan.
Also, Nothingness, is chess on this site not an exact clone of IYT's, nevermind other site's?
The point I am putting across here is not having to change the game, but being able to offer the same dimensions, just on a superior site.
thats the worst. i hate restarting especially when you are up on a superior opponent. im lucky i play defensively and wasnt caught off guard. i didnt over persue.
i dont mind ... its the rule .. but its a bit weird to force it in ongoing games already ... where someone might have build a strategy which is now worth nothing
i would like it best in separate variants as well i think :)
i'm not fond of it either. It brought a new dimension to the game the way it was. Seems too restrictive now. Isn't there room for both variants? One with more volcanoes and lateral moves and one without or some combination thereof?
I would like to say I REALLY hate that new rules that was put in that does not let you move back to a space (sideways) that you just come from.
Take this example. I have a 5 piece. Right in front of me is my opponetns 1 piece which I could take, but there is a sapper ready to take my 5 if I take the 1 piece, so I move my 5 piece to the side and not take the 1 piece.
Well now (after the rule change), the opponents 1 piece can move where my 5 was and not even worry about having to protect it (at least until the next move).
Anyway, it just COMPLETELY changed the strategy of on-going games, and wanted to voice my opinion that I do not like this rule - and it made it worse to apply it to on-going games which changes many of the strategies.
I would take here over IYT by a mile! I used to play on IYT and GoldToken. This place is far superior. but that is only my opinion. I did not realize that you had limited yourself to only one game type.
This is the only game I am interested in playing here. It was a breath of fresh air in its subtle differences from IYT's versions. I joined IYT 6 months ago. Now that it is the same why would I join both?
well i think maybe b/c this is the "EXACT" same game as they have on and that site is on its way down. and it wouldve been nice to see a slight variance of that game on this site. that 1 rule changes the game alot! in more ways than you can count. many are going to slowly be filtering over to brainking 1 by 1 jsut as i have. and we are a very competetive bunch and have created a league with its own website, We are in season 6 of our league which has been around for maybe 3 years. It wouldve been nice to have a differnet game. many are still staying away until there can be a non-volcano variant of espionage. If im off on this explanation Bdilly jstu give me your reasons.
i dont like the fact that espionage is now an exact clone of sabotage from IYT. i wish we couldve kept the side to side movement. many of the iyt regualrs liek my self are now wanting the volcano-less variations i think they are a great addition but i prefer the volcanos and really coudl careless if those version are added to Brain king. What we need to do now is to add more volcno variations. ive only seen a few as it is. Some are much more easier to negotiate than others.
Looks like new rules are in effect for all Espionage games:
All mobile pieces can move one space horizontally or vertically. The piece cannot return to its previous position in the next turn, a different move must be done first.
Dragon: true.. the sad thing is i dont have enough time to play on more than 1 site :(
i chose this site because of its ease, and because of the good talk (reading) i heard (read) about it commpared to other sites .. and so far i havent been let down in any of my expentations
(thats probably some bad english .. but i am blonde, and dutch .. so be easy on me ;))
i was curious as to hopefully changing seomthing in the game. When you view a game that is currently goign on, you cant seem to tell the armies apart. Both armys look gray. i like to study ongoing games but cant do this if both armies are the smae color.
basically you must improvise and adapt to the rules of a game. i think everything should stay the same. i too have been playing thsi game for appx 5 years? its not perfect but as good as you can get.
Even with the rule that a piece can't return to a square it's just come from, it can just make an endless square, which is just a slightly longer version of the side-to-side repetition.
Modificado por Hrqls (24. Dezembro 2004, 12:17:54)
according to the rules you cant move directly back to the previous position with the same piece in the next move
i prefer a site with some flaws which are being worked on and a owner who listens and is clearly productive and will work on this soon as well .. but then again i have never been on iyt :)
imo its silly to compare game sites .. just play on them and see if you like them .. if not then dont .. if you do then do .. if you like both .. play on both .. :)
well you can only move backward than forward but not forward than backwards. this site beats IYT b/c of the legit ratings system adn the format of all games. it has its flaws but they are much better than IYT. i was on iyt for liek 4-5 years and will be leaving after season 6 is over.
It's all good and well saying it, but nothing has changed for the better. This game is marred especially the ludicrous allowance of forward and backward moves.
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