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10. Ноября 2006, 16:19:32
Субъект: Removal of players, stairs
I do have a request for Fencer. Could you by some chance remove the inactive players from the stairs games. Some players havent played on site for months and some dont even participate in the stairs anymore. Also since in my opinion some of the stairs games are basically dead, we should either remove them or do some sort of promotional deal to give people reason to play them. I like the concept of stairs. It is a King of the Mountain type of attitude invlovement with them. I would like to see them competitive. Thanks.

10. Ноября 2006, 16:27:09
Субъект: Re: Removal of players, stairs
Brian1971: And since bots seem to be in the order of the day, these days, why not build a script to do that automatcially. I seem to remember posting something along these lines a few months ago... Let me see if I can find it...

10. Ноября 2006, 19:29:59
Субъект: Re: Removal of players, stairs
Brian1971, pauloaguia: I put a post on the Stairs board about the same thing.
I am sure Fencer could write a script that would automatically check all steps and send you a message of available challenges for you(maybe once a week). If you have not made any challenges(after another week) it could either drop you a step, start retiring you or remove from the stairs.
It should only do this if there are players for you to challenge, if not leave you on the step you are on as it is not your fault.

10. Ноября 2006, 20:33:27
Субъект: Re: Removal of players, stairs
MadMonkey: ok, I've moved the discussion in there then...

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