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Line4 and variants.

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7. Сентября 2006, 16:16:32
Субъект: Spider Linetris
In this Spider Linetris game, why is the A column remaining full?

7. Сентября 2006, 16:28:09
Субъект: Re: Spider Linetris
BuilderQ: that's a very good question. I reread the rules and it should definitely disappear . . . very strange.

7. Сентября 2006, 22:27:50
Субъект: Re: Spider Linetris
BuilderQ: Because only one line can disappear after a move, not two.

7. Сентября 2006, 22:33:35
Субъект: Re: Spider Linetris
Fencer: I think that situation should be added to the rules.

I would think that if a "full" line moves into one of the edge rows, that it too should be removed. At least that is what I would think should happen.

8. Сентября 2006, 01:28:17
Субъект: Re: Spider Linetris
Fencer: Two lines can disappear after a move in a corner which completes two perpendicular rows, so I had thought the same applied to parallel rows. The way it is now, sides of the board can become "blocked" and the game's dynamic aspect is reduced. Still, BrainKing is the only site to have this game, so there is no precedent to contradict your method, and maybe I'm just annoyed at losing. :)

Still, have you ever played Tetris?

9. Сентября 2006, 17:29:52
Субъект: Re: Spider Linetris
Fencer: I think everyone read "between the lines" of the rules and thought that every full line disappears. I think it should be either specified in the rules (as BBW said) or it should be changed to reflect the thoughts of BuilderQ and myself. I'm not saying to go one way or the other (as a disinterested party) but I think leaving the ambiguity will just cause more problems in the future.

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