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9. Октября 2012, 22:00:44
The Col 
Субъект: Romney debates himself

9. Октября 2012, 22:11:29
Субъект: Re: Romney debates himself
The Col: Nice when Romney says if your 45, never had insurance and get heart disease.... you are on your own.

Guess Jesus forgot to put that he healed for free in BIG BOLD LETTERS a mile high like his Father did!

I'm talking about the reputed last message of God to the universe as described by Douglas Adams.. "we apologise for the inconvenience."

God is nice like that.

9. Октября 2012, 22:21:12
The Col 
Субъект: Re: Romney debates himself
(V): Used car salesmen display more honesty than Romney.If he pulls this off, the press should be ashamed for not fact checking this guy enough, but their too consumed with Obama's terrible performance in the 1st debate, actually, most incumbent Presidents have historically lost the 1st debate 1-5 was a score I saw recently, but the election score is 3-3

9. Октября 2012, 22:28:50
Субъект: Re: Romney debates himself
The Col: White teeth speak with forked tongue?

9. Октября 2012, 22:35:14
The Col 
Субъект: Re: Romney debates himself
(V): Whatever it takes to seal the deal.He is dependant on most voters not paying attention, and most don't keep track of his constant contradictions, so he has a helluva chance to pull this off

9. Октября 2012, 22:41:12
Субъект: Re: Romney debates himself
The Col: We are luckier in the UK, we have rights when it comes to pure bull at election time.. American style razzle dazzle that Maggie imported only took slightly.

9. Октября 2012, 22:46:47
The Col 
Субъект: Re: Romney debates himself
(V): It doesn't work here in Canada either, but that's not to say we are any smarter in who we vote into office.Just less glitz and glam during elections.I still say 10% of each dollar spent on Federal election advertising should go towards the deficit.

9. Октября 2012, 23:24:54
Субъект: Re: Romney debates himself
The Col: I think 10% of all election advertising and 10% of all lobbying monies.

9. Октября 2012, 23:34:59
The Col 
Субъект: Re: Romney debates himself
(V): Outlaw lobbying(as we know it) entirely, elected officials with voting power should be beyond reproach.

9. Октября 2012, 23:42:42
Субъект: Re: Outlaw lobbying(as we know it) entirely..
The Col: It'd be nice.. It might even bring a price cut nationally considering how much is spent in bribes.. *cough* sorry, lobbying each year.

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