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8. Мая 2005, 11:09:02
Субъект: Re: Tablut practise pad
cryptoguru: That's an excellent facility there. I especially like the way the interface mimics Brainking.

People with Java-enabled browsers might also be interested in a site I did a while ago:


It's not as good as the practice pad, as you can't take back moves, and you can't quite do Brainking's rules exactly (the king can always re-enter the central square in my implementation).

The settings required for an approximation of our familiar tablut are:

Layout: Jarlshof I; King strength: weaponless; King's objective: Board edge; First move: King and Defenders; everything else is as set by default.

While it has shortcomings as a practice pad, it does allow you to experiment with other sizes of board and rules. There is also inadequate documentation.

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