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7. Сентября 2017, 14:26:55
Modified by speachless (6. September 2017, 11:03:16)
heavenrose: and that's cool about brainking! you're free to play or resign or to delete games/fellowships how often you want. I don't see any problems in that :-) and I think it's cool that you don't care about ratings ...

I disagree. Its not cool, imo. I think it is rude to other members,

7. Сентября 2017, 18:51:26
Субъект: Re: So uncool...
Marshmud: I agree with the last part of your post.

7. Сентября 2017, 20:58:18
Субъект: Re:
Marshmud: I didn't speak about someone specific. I just pretend that it is cool to have exactly those possiblities and the freedom to decide to delete whatever I want to. But hey, I never opened or deleted any fellowships and 99,99% of my games I play them till the end. If I don't than because I run out of time.

But anyway, you and crosseyed seam to pretend to know why a specific female user deleted fellowships etc. I actually can't go into the discussion about why a people does it. But I can think about a lot of why someone could possibly do it...but again, I actually don't care at all about whoever opened 1000 of games and then deleted them all again, really not. you blocked heavenrose, well fine, fair enough, shouldn't it been in the past for you. or is it here only about to declare that you and crosseyed want to publicly declare heavenrose as ...what exactly?

I don't go into accusing people publicly, it's annoying

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