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5. Мая 2006, 21:08:53
Are there fellowships out there specifically for line games? I looked some... and didn't find anything. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

5. Мая 2006, 21:35:40
Субъект: Re:
rednaz23: I don't think there are any fellowship just for line games, but some fellowship which deal with "all" or "a lot" of games include the line games.


  • The Frogazons - My fellowship which deals with basicly all games except for Chess, Checkers, Gammon, and Boats. (But not the most active fellowship)

  • HOME - An "all game" fellowship, which is pretty active.

    You can belong to as many fellowships as you want, so the best is to start checking a few out to see what you like. Some have a lot of fellowships, so have lots of inter-fellowship team tournaments, some have few tournaments but a lot of friendly chat. You can always join, and leave if it does not fit your wants.

    ...of course you could always look into creating your own "lines only" fellowship.

  • 5. Мая 2006, 21:40:47
    Субъект: Re:
    BIG BAD WOLF: I thought of that too... I would really be interested in setting different line games teams, and playing other fellowhips. I think I am just going to check out different fellowships, see what works, see what doesn't work, and eventually I may start my own. We will see! :-)

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