It seems the majority of people create Backgammon tournaments with the setting '1 win match', be it in round-robin or 1-1 play. That may be the best way for most games, but for BG I think the better choice would be at least '5 points with doubling cube' or even higher. The reason is that BG has a significant factor of luck, and even as the world champion, you could lose a match against Joe Schmoe if the dice roll unlucky - but not so easily a match for 5. Whatever, anyone who seriously plays BG, knows what I talk about. For me, this discourages me from joining any of those tournaments, especially when they are 1-on-1, as it is mostly luck deciding who wins the tourney.
Here my question: Am I alone with that opinion, and all others are happy with how they are offered? if yes, then fine. I can always make tourneys the way I prefer them if I want. No hard feelings. If no, then I wanted the tournament creators to know that; so they can create them as '5 point with doubling' (or more) and get more players. Maybe they are just not aware of it?
Aganju: И аз мисля, че късметът в таблата е доста важен и затова е желателно мачовете да са по-дълги; дублиращият куб също увеличава вероятността да победи по-добрият, а не по-големият късметлия.
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