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Dama (Czech Checkers).

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19. Ноября 2009, 20:41:11
Сделано для mangue (19. Ноября 2009, 20:41:55)
why cannot I play Qh2xb8 in Czech Checkers (Dundee vs. mangue) ? at move 27black ?

19. Ноября 2009, 23:31:44
Субъект: Re:
mangue: If you have an opportunity to continue jumping, you must do so....

However, you don't have to make a maximum jump in Czech checkers like in some other variants of checkers (International, Turkish, Portuguese ...). In particular, if you have more possibilities to jump, then
1) must capture with your queen (even a single jump, no matter that you can make a multi-jump with your pawn)
2) if you have more queens to perform a jump, you can choose any you like (no matter how many jumps you can do with this particular queen compared to other queens)
3) if you choose a queen to jump with and jump over an opponent's piece, you can land anywhere you want only if there is no possibilty to continue with another jump (otherwise, like in the game you asked about, you must continue jumping; if there are more landing squares from which you can jump again, you can choose any of them arbitrarily, no matter how many jumps you will finally do in your move...)

I hope that it is understandable. If not, don't hesitate to ask again ;-)

23. Июля 2010, 10:59:20
Субъект: Re:
Thanks for this info regarding the queen having to jump over more than one piece as part of a multi-jump, but then why do the rules say '... but does not have to jump over two or more pieces at once'? Maybe the rules need to be tweaked a little.

23. Июля 2010, 12:59:44
Субъект: Re:
You are right that the rules are not written so that all the details are clear for someone not knowing the game.

Moreover, time to time there occurs a bug and therefore even a player who knows all the rules of this game can be surprised what the system (= BrainKing) allows to play.

However I think that the basic rules are clear enough (and if anyone gets in some suspicious position or situation, there are discussion boards such as this one to get help and advice).

I agree that the quotation you used

'... but does not have to jump over two or more pieces at once'

is not absolutely clear. The whole sentence is as follows:

'A queen does not have to land directly behind the captured piece, it can choose (when jumping) any other empty square in the line but does not have to jump over two or more pieces at once.'

I guess that this means, easily said, that before performing the second (and any other later) jump, you have to land... But you are right that the particukar quotation sounds somehow strange (especially when you MUST continue jumping if you have such an opportunity)...

24. Июля 2010, 02:44:57
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re:
moistfinger: It is a bad translation… the sentence should read “but must not jump over two or more pieces at once”.

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