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Dama (Czech Checkers).

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7. Августа 2006, 11:22:33
of course I want to have human opponents too, but it is my opponent who decides, and I cannot change it

7. Августа 2006, 18:57:37
Субъект: Re:
mangue: Mangue,
me friend from czech tolt me about it, and sended me for check draughts program. And if player(his opponent) play all move (from first to last) as program, what do You think? Opponent is genius? Or cheater? And not existed only one but more players. I check another players(czech serious players tolt me, who)and I find next player use program. I am human, no program :-)In real know me more, more good players :-)

7. Августа 2006, 21:34:32
Субъект: Re:
sobek: I am totally agreing and this very certain that computer is a problem in "offline" site. This is also the main reason why I hardly ever play chess, unless I know my opponent in real life and trust him.

On the other hand, it is hopeless to get rid of computer assisted opponent. You can write code of conducts, etc...

An opponent playing only the computer moves would be bored quite quickly. However, if you do "study" with a computer, it will be almost impossible to detect.

Also, I am sure that you use a computer to play here at least to make your move and talk on the forums ;-)

7. Августа 2006, 22:38:32
Субъект: Re:
mangue: no, because I am better as draughts programs :-))) I use to draughts program to analyze REAL games no net game. I want play against human no computer. If I want play against draughts program, I don't need connect to game server :-)

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