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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
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<< <   295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304   > >>
7. Сентября 2003, 09:34:18
Субъект: Re: Pic in the profile
Maybe 40x30 icons could do the trick ;-)

7. Сентября 2003, 09:31:00
100KB * 7000 players = 700GB = a LOT of memory space. And remember - we get more players all the time. I realize most players will not place their picture there, but it has the possibility of taking up a lot of space.

If you want your opponent's to be able to see your picture, make a site at geocities or something like that, and put your picture on it.

7. Сентября 2003, 08:50:30
Субъект: Pic in the profile
Perhaps would be useful to have a upload of a small bitmap of the player (max 100kb) in the profile.I see this at the Fritz/Chessbase server and then the playing is more personnally because you see your opponent.

7. Сентября 2003, 05:44:22
tactician: Assuming i remember correctly, Pro reversi will start with the first four pieces in place, and reversi race counts the number of flipped pieces, rather than how many pieces you currently have. Someone said, however, that it will be the same winner anyways :-)

7. Сентября 2003, 05:42:51
Once the king has moved as that piece to get out of check, can that same piece be used to get out of check again, or would they have to have another knight (or whatever piece it was)?

Also, i'm assuming the king could only move like this when in check?

6. Сентября 2003, 22:15:22
The Listener 
Субъект: New Game Idea
I just got this great idea for a new Chess variation! It's called Imposter Chess.

The rules are all the same as in Western Chess except for the Switch Rule. It goes something like this:

(Note: This only works during Check not Checkmate.)

Whenever your King is in Check, you have the option to temporarily change your King into the Imposter which allows you to take one of your opponent's captured pieces and make your King move like the chosen piece does.

For Example: If White's King is in Check, then White can Imposterize its King into moving like a captured Black Knight.

                 What do ya think?

You may use this idea as long as you give the proper credit. :·)

Imposter Chess
© Laila A.K.A. Magenta Spiral
All Rights Reserved

5. Сентября 2003, 23:09:24
Субъект: Reversi Race and Pro Reversi?
I've never heard of these variants yet it says they are in development, any info on them?

5. Сентября 2003, 09:48:23
Mystery Man 
Субъект: Just like to know..!!!!!!!!
Fencer, my good man..
Can you give us an idea to `how far into the future' will it be for "Sabotage and it's variants"
to be added to this site??

4. Сентября 2003, 14:35:15
Rogue Lion 
Субъект: My Tournaments - Filter
I would prefer to have the "filter" in "My Tournaments" default to "All". Maybe users could set default. Certainly not a top priority. Thanks, R*L

3. Сентября 2003, 00:32:50
Субъект: Re:
i would also like to see ex chess in a different colour as i am just learning the game and i am still muddling that and plain chess

2. Сентября 2003, 14:35:57
ROFL, spoilsport, grenv!!! lol!! :oD

2. Сентября 2003, 14:33:28
Субъект: Re: jason :REQUEST
Just make sure it isn't implemented for Dark Chess!

2. Сентября 2003, 09:59:27
Субъект: Re: jason :REQUEST
I think so.

2. Сентября 2003, 09:54:28
Субъект: Re: jason :REQUEST
In Go-Moku (5 in a line) does your opponent see the board from a different view ??

2. Сентября 2003, 08:23:07
Субъект: Re: REQUEST
jason: Yes, it will be implemented.

2. Сентября 2003, 08:04:41
Just to clarify Jason's post: The game boards, not the discussion boards. (When i first read it, i thought he meant the discussion boards) :-)

2. Сентября 2003, 08:03:08
Субъект: REQUEST
fencer would it be possible to put an option on the boards so we can turn them around (so we can see the board from the opponents view) i think this would be usefull for some of the games especially go-moko

2. Сентября 2003, 01:14:06
Субъект: Pawn - new game bug
I think I read about this before, but I don't remember....

If a pawn has 16 games going, and he is getting ready to start a tournament which will start 4 games (giving him 20 games - the pawn limit), it will not start it because the system thinks they do not have enough empty slots for all games...... but they do!

So I was just wondering if (1) this bug is known about by Fencer and (2) if this is going to be fixed.



2. Сентября 2003, 00:43:10
Actually now that I think about it, it would be nice is Backgammon race had a different color around the board.

It does have a different starting position, but what happens to me a lot is that I will leave 1 or 2 of my pieces on the "bar" until later in the game. If I'm not paying attention, I will quickly look at the game, see the pieces on the bar (and thinking that it is regular Backgammon), I will start to move them off the bar.......... instead of moving pieces that are already on the board since I don't have to take the pieces off the bar yet.

For Nackgammon - it is similar enough to regular Backgammon that it does not need a different color, but for race... I could use a light green or blue or something... :-)


P.S. I also agree that Extinction Chess needs a different color.

1. Сентября 2003, 23:07:16
Субъект: Re:
Extinction chess needs a color code. I've screwed up several times there because i thought it was regular chess.

1. Сентября 2003, 20:06:04

1. Сентября 2003, 20:03:54
Субъект: Re: Other than Normel
It makes sense that anti-backgammon is different since you are playing differently than you would in normal backgammon. However the other variants (Nackgammon, Race etc) simply have different starting positions so it isn't necessary to distinguish one from the other during the play. In fact it might be distracting.

Just my 2c

1. Сентября 2003, 20:02:31
All anti-games are red and many other variants are have colored outlines, e.g. loop chess is dark blue, three checks chess is light green etc. :-)

1. Сентября 2003, 19:48:24
I just started playing "Other than Normel" Backgammon games,,,
I really like the way Anti-Backgammon is done in RED...
I don't have to try to remember which game is which,,,
can you make the other games different colors as well??
It is very cool!!
Thanks :)

31. Августа 2003, 16:50:37
Субъект: Re: games
I suggest you try again, sounds like an isolated incident to me. I assume NTL is an ISP?

31. Августа 2003, 14:01:50
Субъект: games
Hi iam unable to gain access to my games I get the board see the games there is no info acroos from the game as to who the player is..The when I make my move the error page comes up..NTL say it is not their problem but the game site..Hope you can help..

30. Августа 2003, 13:12:17
Субъект: Additional games
Is it possible to provide facilities for Double Move chess, Progressive chess, Hostage chess, Alice chess etc. I like Extinction chess but miss the others I mention here.

30. Августа 2003, 11:25:59
Субъект: request
fencer would it be possible to put an onption on the boards so we can turn them around (so we can see the board from the opponents view) i think this would be usefull for some of the games

29. Августа 2003, 23:53:05
Субъект: To bring it at a point
Would Fencer perhaps agree to the establishment
of a "Complaint Dept." DB where everybody could
speak their mind unfettered by restraints of corrupt
and biased moderators ? Heard some folks would
be glad to lend their services to such an endeavour ... >8) ~*~

29. Августа 2003, 22:50:27
Субъект: Re: Tournaments?
Kevin: maybe i'm just talking about the page that has the list of tournaments on it, or the main page with the red numbers, whenever theres a new tourney posted, it should show up on the main page as "1 new"
not (49)
u see?

29. Августа 2003, 22:37:46
Субъект: Re: Tournaments?
ANIMAL: But would you have to actually go into that tournament for it to be marked as "visited" or would you just have to view the tournament list with that tournament on it?

29. Августа 2003, 21:02:55
thanks Fencer... and i'm sorry :o(

29. Августа 2003, 20:59:01
I've just declared a draw at that game. But next time please post your request on another discussion board.

29. Августа 2003, 20:54:49
could someone look at game id #167377? Should this have ended in a draw, or do i have to offer a draw or resign? They are the only two options when i view the game...

29. Августа 2003, 20:24:20
eddie spaghetti 
Субъект: Re: Tournaments?
fencer maybe when someone puts a new tourney up have next to it the date...like posted on (8-26)...theres sopme tourneys that wait a month or so for sign ups those of us that look all the time usully know them but it would be cool if we signed up for a touney that starts on sept 30 and we signed up the first day or 2 of it posted it would be cool to see that date next to it so we can say oh yea thats starting soon without having ot go into it...something like that.,,,,

29. Августа 2003, 19:56:35
Субъект: Re: Tournaments?
i think thats what i'm gettin at :)
you know how you have your fav boards and it has (1 new) by it or however many new posts

29. Августа 2003, 19:51:59
Субъект: Re: Tournaments?
So you would call all non-visited tournaments "new"?

29. Августа 2003, 19:49:17
Субъект: Re: Tournaments?
similar to new posts in discussion groups?

29. Августа 2003, 19:44:42
How would you define a "new tournament"?

29. Августа 2003, 19:29:06
Субъект: Tournaments?
Was wondering if it was possible for Fencer to make the red numbers on the main page to only show the "New" number of tournaments, so that if there is a new tournament posted then we will know :)

27. Августа 2003, 17:03:21
Субъект: Re: an important detail to be fixed for the rating
I agree, once the screen is raised the game counts. I would say Dark Chess is similar, once a move is made by each player the game counts. Maybe this is a good rule for all games?

27. Августа 2003, 16:21:49
Субъект: an important detail to be fixed for the rating
short games are not counted, am I right ?
but that's not okay for (crazy) screen chess.
you might remember our first game Fencer -
a high poker, but completed correctly ...

so it indeed should count regardless of the amount of moves ...

now I'm just getting a mate in two, after a crazy screen chess setup ...

it should not be idle playing well, you know ... :D ... ~*~

26. Августа 2003, 21:20:46
Yes, i have asked if the tournament winner could be indicated when it is mathematically proven. Fencer told me that he would not implement something like that until it was tested very thoroughly, and that was the last i heard of it.

26. Августа 2003, 16:42:35
Субъект: Re: Question: Tournament Rounds
Sorry grenv, but I cannot read...:)

26. Августа 2003, 16:32:08
Субъект: Re: Question: Tournament Rounds
Yay! Caissas, you must be reading all my old posts. lol.

26. Августа 2003, 16:05:40
Субъект: Re: Question: Tournament Rounds
That would expedite the tournament.

26. Августа 2003, 16:03:05
Субъект: Re: Question: Tournament Rounds
Would it not be enough if the first of every group is clear?Have we to wait until the last game is ready?

26. Августа 2003, 15:59:43
Субъект: Re: Question: Tournament Rounds
The creator has to start the subsequent rounds too, when all games have been completed.

26. Августа 2003, 15:59:00
Субъект: Re: Question
The creator will receive a notification message.

26. Августа 2003, 15:58:03
Субъект: Question
When a round of a tournament has been completed is the next round automatically generated or must the tournament creator monitor to see when it is ready and click something to activate it?

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