If I were to make a multi-player (more then 2) version of Battleboats:
One big board - maybe 15x15
All players pieces goes on the SAME board
The computer randomly places ALL pieces on the 1 board. (Player can not place them since 2 players might accedently place a piece in the same space.)
The more players, the less pieces that can fit on the board - so maybe something like one "4 long", two "3 long", and two "2 long" pieces for each player.
Each player gets a chance to shot on the board - of course they will know where their own boats are on the board, but are able to shot anywhere else on the board.
Each player gets to see where the other shots - when a hit is made, you do NOT know who's boat it is until it is sunk. (So player one makes a hit, player two sees that and shots around it to get a second hit, etc...)
..... This can also be set up to be teams - 2 against 2 - where the 2 team mates get to share notes and try to sink the other players boats. If one of the player loses all their boats, they are out and the 1 player has to continue. (They can still "win" the game if their team mate continues to sink all their opponents ships when they are not even playing anymore.)
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