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Discuss about battleboats game or find new opponents. (Also Dark Battleboats & Battleboats Plus!)

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3. Сентября 2007, 03:21:47
Субъект: White Advantage
I noticed that White has an advantage in all Battleboats games... couldn't this be fixed rather easily by making it like the game Logic, where both players get an equal amount of turns?

3. Сентября 2007, 03:25:47
Субъект: Re: White Advantage
Kunoichi_Power: The advantage is mostly in the Battleboat Plus version. Current stats:

White: 15017 (50.55%)
Black: 14574 (49.06%)

Dark Battleboats:
White: 28740 (54.62%)
Black: 23838 (45.31%)

Battleboats Plus:
White: 50978 (60.49%)
Black: 33227 (39.42%)

Now the important question: How do you let black take one more move in Battleboat Plus when the number of shots is determined by how may ships they have left?

(NOTE: Best thing in my opinion is to do is make sure you play 2-games, switched colors when you play)

3. Сентября 2007, 13:51:56
Субъект: Re: White Advantage
I thought maybe it would just be based on how many ships black had left the previous turn, like if white takes out a black ship on turn 1, black would still get 5 shots on turn 1, but then 4 on the next turn, exactly the way white would if black took out a white ship on turn 1. That would make sense right?

Though, if this has been said 'no' to before, then I guess it doesn't matter... I didn't actually see where it was asked before but I thought someone else might have had the sense to ask... : /... oh well

3. Сентября 2007, 14:14:01
Субъект: Re: White Advantage
coan.net: To rule out any advantage of one colour, you have to make the moves simultaneously, just like in Logic. (In the implementation, the moves aren't simultaneously, but from a game aspect they are). In Battleboats Plus, the number of shots one has in move N is the number of boats one has in move N - 1.

IMO, also Dice Poker and Triple Dice Poker could benefit from having simultaneous moves, as those games give a slight edge to the player going second. But not as big as Battleboats and its variations give to the player going first.

3. Сентября 2007, 10:58:48
Субъект: Re: White Advantage
Kunoichi_Power: I've suggested this in the past as well, but Fencers answer was 'no'.

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