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20. Сентября 2006, 12:04:09
Субъект: Died 20th September 1973....
1973, On his way to perform his second concert of the day, singer, songwriter Jim Croce was killed with five others when his chartered aircraft hit a tree on take off in Louisiana.

Jim Croce ~ Don't mess around with Jim

and on Wikipedia:
Jim Croce

20. Сентября 2006, 16:41:38
Субъект: Re: Died 20th September 1973....
Nirvana: Thanks for posting that Nirvana. He was truly one of the great song writers and is missed!

21. Сентября 2006, 02:05:43
Субъект: Thanks, Nirvana.
That was a remembrance worth watching.  Good quality, and flawless.  

21. Сентября 2006, 07:25:44
thanks Nirvana,so many greats have left us so early in their lives here on earth...there must be some great music being played in heaven...

21. Сентября 2006, 12:15:18
Субъект: Re: I think Animé is great, for the most part!
Сделано для Nirvana (21. Сентября 2006, 14:58:14)

21. Сентября 2006, 12:25:21
Субъект: Re:

Yea, must be good there!
The Doors ~ Riders on the Storm

21. Сентября 2006, 14:47:36
My son (who is 14 now) is beginning to appreciate Doors. But he made a strange comment a couple of days back - "They'd be really great with a good lead guitarist!" Must confess, I'd never thought about that!!!

28. Сентября 2006, 10:55:42
Субъект: 28th September...
1985, Kate Bush scored her second UK No.1 album with 'Hounds Of Love.'

Kate Bush ~ Running Up that Hill

28. Сентября 2006, 15:33:11
You know, I really love Kate Bush, and I only know about 3 people who even know who she is!  And, what a voice!!!!  

28. Сентября 2006, 15:44:08
Субъект: Re: 28th September...
Сделано для Nirvana (28. Сентября 2006, 15:49:10)
Kate Bush ~ Wow

Most people know this one I think?
Kate Bush ~ Wuthering Heights

29. Сентября 2006, 06:51:37
Sorry!  Can't listen right now, listening to Van the Man.

29. Сентября 2006, 13:00:19
Andre Faria 
Субъект: Re:
TexasToest: Running up that hill and Cloudbusting are my favourites...

29. Сентября 2006, 13:05:34
Just been listening to a great new album out.
It is by City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra (does Fencer play for them ??? lol) and is called The Syphonic Jean Michel Jarre. It is quite something if you consider the computing power that Jarre uses when creating his music, to be done by an Orchestra.

29. Сентября 2006, 15:22:54
Субъект: Re: Jean Michel Jarre
MadMonkey:  What a blast from the past!  I haven't heard about him in years!!!  I'll look for it, thanks!!!

29. Сентября 2006, 15:55:51
Субъект: Re:

I remember seeing him in France years ago, his concerts are quite something.

Jean Michelle Jarre

29. Сентября 2006, 16:16:56
Субъект: By request...
I was asked to find this:

Mandy Moore ~ Only Hope

29. Сентября 2006, 16:36:53
Субъект: Re:
Nirvana: I think he i great and have all his albums and videos. I wish i had gone to see his concert when he was in the UK a few years back and he lit up the whole of London Docklands. Not heard much from him in ages though.

29. Сентября 2006, 16:44:24
Субъект: Re:

I would have liked to see that too.

30. Сентября 2006, 01:34:52
Субъект: Yeah! Really good stuff
I bought my first Kate Bush tape in 1984.  It was pretty new, been out about a year.  Somehow, I got the idea she was married for a while to Peter Gabriel.   They appeared together a lot, and collaborated on a lot of music back then.  While I didn't find anything about that when I went looking to affirm, or dispute my recollection, I found out a couple of interesting things on Wikipedia.  I didn't know she had an affiliation with David Gilmour.  I quote from Wikipedia, "In March 1987, Bush sang "Running Up That Hill" at The Secret Policeman's Third Ball, with David Gilmour on guitar.....  In January 2002, Bush appeared with David Gilmour singing "Comfortably Numb" at Festival Hall In London, England."  OMG!  "Comfortably Numb" - only my favorite song - well one of them.

30. Сентября 2006, 01:55:36
Субъект: Re: Yeah! Really good stuff

you'll enjoy this then:

Pink Floyd ~ Comfortably Numb

30. Сентября 2006, 01:58:59
Субъект: Re: Yeah! Really good stuff
Nirvana:  Oh, I have one better.  I have a friend in California (the one who bought David Gilmour tickets for us for my Christmas present), who WAS in a Pink Floyd tribute band.  He plays so much like Gilmour, I can close my eyes, and forget it's not him.  I have a whole CD of my friend's work, especially Numb, and Dogs.  Oh!  On Dogs, he's brilliant.

30. Сентября 2006, 06:02:44
Субъект: Re: Yeah! Really good stuff
TexasToest: I love Dogs
I always thought 'Animals' was a really underrated album....I loved it!

30. Сентября 2006, 06:40:21
Субъект: Three Cheers!!!
to all those great rock guitarists that have provided (and some still do) so much pleasurable entertainment over the decades:

Frank Zappa
David Gilmour
Robin Trower
Alex Lifeson
George Harrison
Jimi Hendrix
Alvin Lee
Johnny Winter
Randy Bachman
Pete Townshend
Martin Barre
Tommy Shaw
Jeff Beck
Mark Knopfler
Greg Lake
Robbie Krieger
Dan Fogelberg
John Cougar Mellankamp
Rick Derringer
Steve Howe
Ted Nugent
Michael Bruce
Paul Rodgers
Tony Iommi
John Fogerty
Rory Gallagher
Kerry Livgren
Jimmy Page
Gary Richrath
Justin Hayward
Bob Seger
Robert Cray
Keith Richards

all I could think of off the top of my head; please mention others if you wish.

30. Сентября 2006, 07:01:51
Субъект: Re: Three Cheers!!!
Stevie Ray comes to mind, Joe Walsh, Ritchie Blackmore,Steve Vai,Joe Satriani,Duane Allman and...


30. Сентября 2006, 08:22:54
Субъект: Yeah, can't forget Stevie Ray....another home boy....
But, you thought of a lot off the top of your head, Pioneer54.  Boy!  the top of your head must have been crowded!

30. Сентября 2006, 08:24:58
Субъект: Oh and...
We need to start a list of world-famous concertina players.  I'm starting it off with Flaco.

30. Сентября 2006, 08:53:53
Субъект: Re: Three Cheers!!!
awesome: yes, good names as well. I had thought of Joe Walsh, but forgot to type it in!?

30. Сентября 2006, 10:20:01
Субъект: Re: Three Cheers!!!
Pioneer54: I would have to add Brian May for Queen

30. Сентября 2006, 15:45:59
Субъект: Re: Three Cheers!!!
Pioneer54: what a list, but I don't see Eric Clapton on there or Carlos Santana- 2 of my all time favorites!

awesome: great clip of Eddie...that was a name that was high on my list as well!

Mad Monkey: I'm with ya on Brian May as well!

and some youngsters to note:
Jonny Lang
Kenny Wayne Shepherd
John Mayer

30. Сентября 2006, 15:47:18
Субъект: Re: Oh and...
TexasToest: how sad that I'm wracking my brain and can't come up with one good name to add to your list

30. Сентября 2006, 16:37:08
Субъект: lol

30. Сентября 2006, 16:56:38
Субъект: Re: Three Cheers!!!
baddessi: Yeah, list of lead guitarists would never be complete without Clapton and Santana, and Jerry Garcia.

30. Сентября 2006, 19:04:23
Субъект: Re: Oh and...
do concertina players ever smile ?


30. Сентября 2006, 23:04:58
Субъект: Re: Oh and...
baddessi: Haha! Yes, they are few and far between. I was thinking of Flaco, because I was thinking of The Mavericks, and when I think of the Maverics, I think of Doug Sahm. Flaco played with Doug Sahm a lot! I just thought Flaco needed a plug.

30. Сентября 2006, 23:05:52
Субъект: Re: Three Cheers!!!
baddessi: John Mayer. You had to say that name didn't you? Threw me into a whole new fit of seizures over the man! *snarf snarf*

30. Сентября 2006, 23:10:11
Субъект: Re: lol
Сделано для TexasToest (30. Сентября 2006, 23:11:14)
Ronin: Hahaha! Reminds me of Andy Kaufman, rest his soul. Such an understated, hilarious mind.

I've never heard this person. Maybe you should write a treatise about him, and introduce us (ME?).

30. Сентября 2006, 23:30:38
Субъект: Re: Oh and...
awesome:  Well, that guy doesn't.  Flaco DOES!!  But, Flaco plays a different kind of box.  Maybe that guy's fingers are constipated having to stay in that teeny tiny area.  Flaco actually plays an accordian, but honey, this accordian isn't your run of the mill kind of thing.  Catch this:  Flaco Jimenez  Handsome ole thang, ain't he?

1. Октября 2006, 01:04:07
Субъект: Tirade
Сделано для TexasToest (1. Октября 2006, 01:34:42)
Two flicklettes of Ry Cooder's concert in Santa Cruz in 1987, and another performance with a couple of his play mates.  We didn't mention him in the guitarist list.  According to Wikipedia (in case you don't read the small print).  "Rolling Stone magazine named Ry Cooder the 8th Greatest Guitarist of All Time in their "100 Greatest Guitarists" list.  How about that for accolades?

Ry Cooder solo - Jesus Is On The Mainline .

Same tune but with a band - has a bit (?) of a gospel taste.  (Take your pick - but I am obsessed enough to have watched both.)  Regardless of the volitility of the subject matter, you've probably never heard a mandolin played quite like this.  Big band too - be sure to check out the guy on keyboards.  Has to be a PhD in music, who dresses for success.  Oh....Sister Texas....it's a big band alright, and there are lots of hunks to watch.  Be sure to have your tissues handy to catch the drool (I traded tissues for a bucket).  Maybe we need to invite those guys to sing back up at our next girlie retreat?  Or, would we have too much fun?

Crazy 'Bout An Automobile includes none other than Flaco Jimenez.

And, here's Ry with a couple of playmates, John Hiatt, and Nick Lowe doing She Runs Hot

Now, SURELY everybody knows Ry Cooder.  He's been undercover for some years now, and he's taken on a whole bunch of special projects.  He's had some really interesting ones, including the Crossroads film.  IF you've never seen this film, PLEASE take some time to learn about it, and be prepared to have your musical awareness raised with this one.  Amazon has it.  It's been out a while, but still stands alone as one of the biggest music projects ever!  OK, OK, IMHO!  As a matter of fact, let's make it 4 flicklettes, and watch this little guitar duel .  Just a little appetizer.

1. Октября 2006, 01:11:29
Субъект: Re: lol
Сделано для Nirvana (1. Октября 2006, 01:32:38)

1. Октября 2006, 01:21:13
Субъект: Re: Tirade
TexasToest: I have now fixed all the links.

1. Октября 2006, 02:00:45
Субъект: Thank you, Nirvana
Interesting.  It's funny how one can be atuned to the music world as closely as possible and miss so many.  Thanks for the link.

1. Октября 2006, 02:07:35
Субъект: Re: Thank you, Nirvana

His younger brother Anthony Stewart Head spent years doing Gold Blend coffee commercials with Sharon Maughn and also appeared in Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Giles.

1. Октября 2006, 02:13:56
Сделано для TexasToest (1. Октября 2006, 02:14:28)
Yes, I read that.  Interesting that it runs in a family.

1. Октября 2006, 02:26:36
Сделано для Nirvana (1. Октября 2006, 02:27:22)
I was asked to find a clip of The Hollies:

The Hollies ~Sorry Suzanne

1. Октября 2006, 08:42:22
Субъект: OMG - I'm being introduced to metal as I type.....
I get in trouble on IRC EVERYTIME!  OK, so this is Nightwish.  What canya tell me?

4. Октября 2006, 09:56:13
Субъект: 4th October...
1970 - Rock singer Janis Joplin died in Hollywood at age 27 of an overdose of heroin. She had just finished recording her second solo album, Pearl, which later earned a gold record. It was once written of Joplin that she lacked "the necessary degree of honest cynicism needed to survive an all-media assault."

Janis Joplin

4. Октября 2006, 10:03:11
Субъект: Re: OMG - I'm being introduced to metal as I type.....

5. Октября 2006, 01:49:54
Субъект: Re: 4th October...
Nirvana: thanks for that post. She was so misunderstood.

I'd also like us to remember Stevie Ray Vaughn who was taken from us before his time.
Yesterday was his birthday.

Great talents, great Texans, great people ....

5. Октября 2006, 01:55:46
Субъект: Re: 4th October...

5. Октября 2006, 02:06:19
Субъект: Re: 4th October...
Nirvana: *A*W*E*S*O*M*E*!!!!

Ironic that he's playing Voodoo Chile, a song of another lost magic man, Jimi Hendrix

and the next song on the list there was one of my favorites ..Stevie playing a cover of Jimi's Little Wing

I could listen to it all day


thanks Nirvana...those made my day!

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