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6. Мая 2007, 17:30:40
Family Man 
When I increase my text size it makes my game boards, like 5 in line become long and narrow. Is there a way to increase the size of my text and avoid this?

6. Мая 2007, 17:50:43
Субъект: Re:
Family Man: Have you tried holding down your left CTRL key and use your mouse wheel to increase / decrease ?

6. Мая 2007, 18:19:05
Family Man 
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: Yes, I use the control key with the + button, does the same thing, and it just changes the boards shape as well as my text. I dont think there will be any solution, but I thought i would ask anyway. Thanks!

6. Мая 2007, 18:27:12
Субъект: Re:
Family Man: That's because of the line and column numbers next to the board - they of course grow along with all the other text. The only solution would be if you are currently using the small sets of game pieces.

If I use the small pente pieces for example, the board gets distorted as soon as I increase the text size one time. If I use the big pieces, I can increase it five times before that happens.

6. Мая 2007, 18:43:02
Family Man 
Субъект: Re:
Gordon Shumway: Thanks, that helped making my pieces bigger, its a better solution than I had hoped for!

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