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Welcome to the Diet Board. This is the place for anyone wanting advice, support or just to meet other people trying to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight too!

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6. Мая 2004, 16:48:35
Kickin Kanga 
Your right, if you think of it as a diet then it makes you feel restricted, you don't have to live off salads and veg, just eat sensibly and excersice. We have a program on tv at the moment called Fit Farm which is about overweight people learning how to lose weight and change thir eating habits, and one good tip I picked up is that if you feel hungry have a drink of water, you may just be de-hydrated a bit, if you still feel hungry about 20-30mins later then eat. I have tried this and have felt hungry and just had a glass of water and the hunger has went away. Walking it supposed to be one of the best forms of excercise because you are using most of your muscles and it also clears the head and relaxes you too!!

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