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 Garden and Winter Chat

Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.

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30. Июля 2011, 20:58:24
does anybody know if hosta's can be split up and transplanted in the summer or fall?

31. Июля 2011, 00:05:53
Субъект: Re:
Vikings: well they are a member of the agave family, and they will grow from a leaf.....so I guess the same applies. Try a leaf and see if it roots

31. Июля 2011, 21:40:06
Субъект: Re:
Vikings: If it's any use I split my when the flowers have died back.

31. Июля 2011, 21:43:01
Субъект: Re:
skipinnz: I've talked to enough people now that the plan is to split them up in another month, that way the 90 degree heat would have broke and there would be enough time for the roots to establish before hard frost

4. Августа 2011, 12:53:58
Субъект: Re:
Vikings:Hosta is so hardy you can hardly kill them....they can be split up at almost any time as long as they don't get tpp dry after transplanting.  Water them well and they should be fine

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