Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.
Say what you want, you can't make a 3000 member organization that was based in Canada disappear. The PGN of the games exist, I have seen them, I went over the games from my tournament, the move list is accurate.
I have computed the 10-piece database. Not only that, it has perfect play information, not just "win-loss-draw" like other programs. It also has an Aggressive Draw Hueristic that will put you into the position with the fewest legal moves to draw, move after move after move, until your own 8-piece database program's draws are beyond its horizon, meaning you will spiral into a loss before you software realizes it.
It sits on a box down at the University of Pennsylvania with 256 Gigabytes of RAM and 32 separate 2-terrabyte hard drives to store the databases. Its search speed is about 8 million positions per second.
I can't remember if I sent Purple an early copy of the paper I was writing on it, or not. He can reply if he wants.
If I used that program against people on here, I would have 0 draws, not 16.
You should really do some more research before you say fairly unintelligent things.
By the way, I helped to correct the Chinook 8-piece databases, which had errors in them until late 2001. It is mentioned in that book, page 210. Write to the publisher, ask them to email you the "Acknowledgements" paragraph from that page. Or send an email to Dr. Jonathan Schaeffer himself, he will tell you.
As for my abilities, articles I had written for Draughts Razoo, and English magazine, were very well received. And World Champion Alex Moiseyev said my annotation of one of HIS games was the best quality of analysis he has seen, and it will be given the most real estate in the book he is publishing. I guess a computer program I wrote distilled the essential strategic concepts and was able to put them into laymen's terms as well.
And I don't have 2 computers, I have about 175 or so in my company.
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