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Discuss about Pah Tum games or find new opponents. Waiting for an opponent to make a move in a game, why not try some Solitary Pah Tum

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24. Августа 2005, 02:22:41
Субъект: suggestion..
Сделано для Nothingness (24. Августа 2005, 02:23:48)
but on the other hand there is a definite advantage to white early on b/c no tricks have yet to be discovered so basically white is at an advantage, and many people will have slightly over rated ratings.. b/c they will only play white and not black. here is my suggestion ....i wish there was a way to not accept players into a ratings standing until they have played an equal amount with each color! lets say 13w/white and 12w/black..this will keep things honest.

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