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Организатор: Gary Barnes
Spring 2003 open Pente-Keryo Pente championship
I am beginning an organized set of Pente and Keryo Pente tournaments that will start about once/quarter and will always have set and reasonable time controls. The object of these tournaments is as follows: (1) Fun! These tournaments are for players who are serious about having fun due to a continuously moving tournament. 4 days/move + weekends + vacations is more than enough time for everyone. If you have a 10+ day vacation planned and you are a Brain Pawn, if you make all of your moves before you go and adjust your weekend days properly, you will still be able to use your 5 vacation days and end up with nearly 2 weeks for one of your moves. (2) By allowing a 4-week sign-up period, I would like these tournaments to be large (20+ players for each game). 10 players is the minimum # of players to start the tournament. This will help many more players get established ratings without having to wait for tounaments that are 14-21 days/move and can potentially last a year or more. (3) In the future when more players have established ratings, I will be looking to run sectional tournaments which will increase everyone's enjoyment. I will also consider offering prize money in the future after checking with the specifics for that with Fencer. (4) The results of these tournaments can potentially be used for seedings and/or pairings in future national and world Pente and Keryo Pente championship tourneys. To increase everyone's enjoyment, I will also be ready to start the tournament immediately at the end of the sign-up period and to start future rounds immediately when a current round is complete. I will also 'bug' players to finish their games more quickly if they are holding up a round and are in lost positions. I would like this to be run like an organized professional tournament instead of in a haphazard manner. Everyone come join us for some serious fun. Good luck in the tournament! Gary
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Тип состязания: Нормальная игра
Вид турнира (?): две игры (разным цветом) между игроками
Уровень членства:     
Минимальное число игроков: 7
Максимальное число игроков: не ограничено
Максимальное число игроков в группе.: 8
Тип финального матча для секции из двух игроков: матч до 3 побед
Контроль времени (?): 4 дня, стандартный отпуск
Рейтинг игрока: 100 <= BKR <= 4000
Игроки без рейтинга: да
Безрейтинговые игры (игры этого турнира не учитываются в рассчёте BKR ): нет
Частный турнир (Вы рассылаете приглашения лично): нет
Сортировать игроков по BKR: да
Статус: завершенные
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