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16. July 2006, 03:37:18
Subject: Re: Competitiveness and fairness
yoyudax: No problem. [shakes hands]

Yes, it was King of the Dust Bunnies, who shows his sense of fair play again. I'd like to have found the trick - in the sense that I consider it clever. ;-)

16. July 2006, 03:23:28
Subject: Re: Competitiveness and fairness

No accusations intended. I stand corrected you were talking about a loophole in the discussion boards points. Someone said and I can't remember who it was, that they had found a loophole and were going to use it to prove their point but would not be accepting the prize if they won. My mistake I thought it was you who had said that.

16. July 2006, 03:10:24
Subject: Re: Competitiveness and fairness
playBunny: just to clear things up ... im not accusing you of anything infact im just agreeing with you on the point you made to yoyudax about connection speed makes a hell of a difference. i know cause it takes me 12 hours to make the points you do in 4

16. July 2006, 02:58:05
NOT a floosie 
Ok everyone, let's get this board back to what it was meant for. A discussion is one thing, unfounded accusations naming a person or a group of people is quite another and don't belong on this board.

Thank you.

16. July 2006, 02:41:43
Subject: Re: Competitiveness and fairness
playBunny: well im not a computer expert so i dont know about the latest new technology /tricks.cheats etc. in any case i have high speed connection but still the max speed i can achieve is 5-7 moves per minute depending on time of day (actual connection speed) but i have noticed you being able to make upto 15 moves per minute and at first i wondered if there was some sort of cheat involved as i heard someone here on doscussion boards mentioning something called autopass which im not aware is exactly what but now i guess i can just assume that your cable in GB is 4 times better than whats average in the US of A. i guess all our technology is being wasted on fighting nonsense wars

16. July 2006, 02:40:13
Peón Libre 
Subject: Re: groups of players ?
MAX MAXIMUS: Someone else makes your moves for you?! Do you realize that this is a blatant violation of General Guideline #2? Perhaps you should examine your own behavior before you accuse others of cheating.

16. July 2006, 02:35:08
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: Competitiveness and fairness
playBunny:  Frankly I considered that a dead issue since no one but a few of us voiced any concerns.  AFAIC, it's Fencer's business how he runs it.  

16. July 2006, 02:24:33
Subject: Competitiveness and fairness
Modified by playBunny (13. August 2006, 17:30:38)
yoyudax: LOL. You should be careful with your memory, your assumptions and your accusations. You lose respect when you use those clumsily. When did I ever say I'd found a loophole? I've talked about the Discussion Board points loophole that was previously being exploited by a few players (and exposed by others, thanks go to them) and said that I didn't know how it works.

I also talked to the Party Pooper about competition resources and fairness/unfairness. Did you read that post? You ought to. Competitions are unfair by definition if there's to be any competing!

In fact I left out two resources from that list that I have a clear advantage on. I have those 18 free slots that I mentioned. Pawns with only 4 or 5 are at a disadvantage. Of course they can resign some games and free up slots if they want to increase their competitiveness. Another resource, one that I didn't think of at the time but which has proved decisive, is connection speed. Someone on dialup has absolutely no chance against broadband users and the faster the broadband the better - provided you have sufficient speed in your opponents so that you're not staring at your game sheet most of the time.

Grouchy, the "party pooper" has removed his "I don't want to be a party pooper but, .." mouthing off post, so the first link above no longer works.

16. July 2006, 01:58:52
Subject: Re:

never said it was impossible but not an equal playing field. you said you had found a bug or a loophole so I am only assuming you are using that to stay on top of the heap

16. July 2006, 01:01:15
yoyudax: As the current leader and a Pawn with only 18 available slots (2 being reserved for a tourney), I can say that it's not an impossible limitation. ;-)

16. July 2006, 00:58:11
Subject: Re: groups of players ?

whst I find unfair are the pawns with 300, 400 etc is very difficult for a pawn with only 20 allotted games to compete

16. July 2006, 00:56:31
Subject: Re: groups of players ?
MAX MAXIMUS: I don't see it as cheating ...I know people who have turned over their id to a freind while on vacation...and I know people who share an id playes one type of game and the other another...this is just taking that concept to the extreme

16. July 2006, 00:48:42
Subject: Re: groups of players ?
MAX MAXIMUS: could be more than one person playing the games..sharing an id...that way you could easily play around the clock

16. July 2006, 00:38:28
Adaptable Ali 
Subject: Re: groups of players ?

15. July 2006, 23:58:33
Subject: Re:
playBunny: The point is, that what sense does it make to remove one global moderator, who can still moderate this board anytime they want to, and replace them with 3 globals moderators who could already moderate this board anytime they want to anyway?

15. July 2006, 23:20:45
Subject: Re:
playBunny: I think he is just trying to stir trouble bunny, best not to discuss anymore

15. July 2006, 23:11:56
Cluch Cluckers: You should read the board, Cluck. It says why.

15. July 2006, 23:08:09
Subject: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: her kids accounts havent been used in a long time also

15. July 2006, 23:07:34
Subject: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: I read she was emailed and said she wasnt coming back to play at this site.

15. July 2006, 21:28:57
Subject: Re: Server downtime
Vikings: Interesting, so something kept America out 2 hours longer than Europe. (He says, generalising wildly from our flags, lol).

15. July 2006, 20:14:23
Subject: Re: Question???
Vikings: hmm true .. i am in a few of those fellowships as well .. people all talk weird .. but they are still nice people ;)

i did join a few tournaments that way as well indeed

i keep the messages on as long as i am online often enough .. which is most of the year :)

15. July 2006, 17:25:32
hmm, I couldn't access it from 6:45-12:45 my time, I guess that is 6 hours

15. July 2006, 17:18:49
Subject: Re: Server downtime
Not quite that long. It was down for about 20 mins at 5pm yesterday and then 4 hours from about 2:45am to 6:45am last night (server times).

15. July 2006, 17:14:15
Subject: Re: Negative time remaining
gambler104: about 7 hours

15. July 2006, 16:29:25
Subject: Re: Negative time remaining
Marfitalu: Site was down for a period of time last night. Not sure how long exactly. But that might have something to do with it.

15. July 2006, 16:24:27
Walter Montego 
Subject: Re: Negative time remaining
Marfitalu: That is strange, isn't it? What about Fischer Clock games timing out?

15. July 2006, 16:24:11
Subject: Re: Negative time remaining
Marfitalu: I'd say over half a day of negative time is definitely not normal...

15. July 2006, 16:04:54
Subject: Re: Question???
Pbarb2: it is their option to turn it off... whether you agree with it or not... I know that if i received a great number of said messages about tournaments I'm not ready to join... i would probly feel frustrated from looking at all those messages and leave the fellowship... there is something wrong if you feel you have to beg people to join... or guilt them into it...

15. July 2006, 15:55:33
Subject: Re: Question???
Modified by Pbarb2 (15. July 2006, 15:56:58)
lovelysharon: I see it in many fellowships
that I am in. Some of the BB feel they have to beg
people to join. I just feel that the only way to get to the members is thru the fellowship message from the BB. Wether they join or not is up to them. At least they know about it if it is not turned off. My mesages are just to let people know when I have games started for sign up. If you don't belong then I guess you don't know.

15. July 2006, 15:49:18
Subject: Re: Harley....
Ooops... actually someone broke the thread. It starts here

15. July 2006, 15:47:18
Subject: Re: Harley....
Chicago Bulls: There was a thread about that a few days ago...

15. July 2006, 15:45:09
Chicago Bulls 
Subject: Harley....
Any news about Harley? Did she leave for vacations or anything different is happening.....? Anyone knows?

15. July 2006, 15:29:24
Subject: Re: Question???
Pbarb2: it just seems to me that you are non-accepting of people to have this option to receive group messages turned off... If you are having trouble to get people to join your tournaments perhaps it's the parameters you set them at or other reasons... I don't know as I am not a member of your fellowships..

15. July 2006, 14:30:03
Subject: Re: Question???
Hrqls: here's a 2nd reason, I have been asked to join many fellowships that are in a foriegn language that I can't read, so I don't read the boards, but, they do send me group pm's about tournements that I do join

15. July 2006, 14:18:06
Subject: Re: Question???
lovelysharon: I agree you can't join them all. I just let people know when I have new games coming. That way they can join if they want. Not forcing anyone to do anything. Anyway this has gone way off my question I asked to begin with.
Thank You

15. July 2006, 11:54:35
Subject: Re: Question???
Pbarb2: why join a fellowship if you dont read the fellowship boards ?
especially the main language which shows its new messages as a red number on the right side column

people who dont read the fs boards wont read the group messages either .. they will simply delete them

posting new tournaments on the fs boards is (imo) the way to do it

of course your pms arent as often as some other fs pms .. some fs post their tournaments on their fs board, send a group message, post the tournament on the public tournament board, and post it in the public game board of the specific game .. thats a bit too much :)

i do read the red numbers .. i once in a while (when i have some more time) read the other fs boards .. and when i am really desparate i will look at the fs main pages and the tournament page

when i dont even have time to read the red numbers then i certainly dont have time to join tournaments which are group messaged to me

pms are to me important messages which are personal and have something to say which i want to know .. the group messages create chaos in that :)

i can only see 1 situation in which i would send out a group message and that would be if i would turn the fs over to someone else .. other than that i will use the fs boards

all that said i wont turn the group messages off because at the moment i can still handle the amount of spam by being online often enough .. but if i would be online a bit less often then i would turn them off for sure :)


15. July 2006, 11:43:22
Subject: Re: Question???
Pbarb2: what fun is it to play games that you are forced to join???>.. I am sure that those members of fellowships that have the group messages turned off will visit the fellowships when they are looking for a tournament to join.. and those that join regularly will have no problem leaving the group messages turned on... why dictate to people what they do ??.. There only games... and we are here for our own enjoyment... Maybe there are too many fellowships and too many tournaments... can't join them all...

15. July 2006, 11:32:21
Subject: Re: Question???
playBunny: Dolittle..You are right Playbunny..These are fellowship only games. Mine do not go out on the public boards.
My question was.. If the message from fellowship BB is turned are the members going to know I have games for sign up. They don't.. and that is why it is so hard to get people to sign up for games that the fellowship is having. If it is turned off why belong to these fellowships if you don't want to hear what the fellowship has going on. 8 out of 10 members do not go to the fellowships and read what is going on. Only way we as BB have is by sending a group message. If that feature is turned off... that person knows nothing what is going on in that fellowship. We as a BB work hard to keep our fellowships going. It is very hard if the members have no interest in the games that we set up. My fellowships is doing pretty good but I'm talking about some.. where they can't even get the 16 required to join ponds..or the required number they set up for their games. It is very sad we have to.. pull teeth so to speak to get members to join a game or two.

15. July 2006, 07:03:28
Subject: Re: Question???
Dolittle: Thy're talking about fellowship tournaments which are not on the Tournaments pages and shouldn't be posted to the Tournaments board. ;-)

The question then is whether, for a fellowship tournament, to post the announcemeny to the fellowship board (main or one just for tournaments), as a broadcast message to all members, or both.

14. July 2006, 16:08:47
Subject: Re: Question???
BIG BAD WOLF:I agree with you. I for one think that tournaments should be posted on the public Tournaments board, not sent to everyones inbox. They are all listed on tournaments page also..264 listed at present. If I want to enter one, I just read the boards or scan that list and find what I am interested in.

14. July 2006, 12:21:27
Subject: Re: Question???
BIG BAD WOLF: Hrqis..I have noticed it has been harder to get members to join games since that has been added. I have 2 fellowships so you may hear from me a little more. When things are posted just in the fellowship... I only have about 6 that sign up. If I send a message then that is where I get more people to sign up.
I think allot more have it turned off than you know, BBW. I play lots of games and I remind people about my games for sign up when I play my games. They say ..Oh I didn't know. That is why I was asking why it was added.
Thieu.. I didn't think as a good feature for when you go on vacation. I still like to know what the others are doing when I don't get to their fellowships everyday. Thank you guys..

13. July 2006, 21:57:26
Subject: Re: Question???
BIG BAD WOLF: i love the option as well .. i still receive messages from all fellowships .. i havent turned them off .. but before my holiday i will so i wont be flooded when i come back

my message box is meant for private messages mainly .. although, because i am online often enough, i dont mind the fs messages that much .. as long it wont be too much ..

sometimes they are useful .. for example when i am looking for a new tournament :)
but at the moment i am trying to have only a few games left when i go on holiday so i am not looking for new tournaments to join :)

its a great option .. its great because its an option (which can be on or off ;))

13. July 2006, 19:27:27
Adaptable Ali 
Subject: Re:
King Reza: Ok, thank you

13. July 2006, 18:58:08 
Subject: Re: Question???
Pbarb2: Are you talking about the option of "Receive group messages from the Big Boss" that you can turn on/off in a fellowship?

If so, I love this option. As a person who reads most of the discussion boards in the fellowships, one of my BIGGEST annoyances is when a BIG BOSS will send out a message to everyone, then I go and read the same exact message in the fellowship boards.

I know the option to send out a message to everyone is very helpful since not everyone reads the fellowship boards, but for someone like me - I love this option. (I have even left fellowships in the past where the BIG BOSS would send out 2-4 messages a day to everyone in the group).

But the default option is to reviece messages, so hopefully to the ones who do not read the boards - they will never know this option is there so will not turn it off.

13. July 2006, 18:39:47
Subject: Re: Harley
Stevie: Uh oh! Now I'm sure to be moderated...

13. July 2006, 18:36:37
Subject: Question???
I am wondering why.. to receive messages from different fellowships.. was added. If someone belongs to a fellowship..They uncheck that..Then why are they in that fellowship? They get nothing when games are started..Most don't visit the fellowships ..That is the only way of contact.
I noticed in many fellowships it is hard to get people to play the games. They don't get our messages. We put a lot of work into our fellowships.

13. July 2006, 18:28:21
Subject: Re: Harley
Summertop: Baddessi is a "she" ;) :P

13. July 2006, 18:08:41
Subject: Re: Harley
Summertop: No worries. It has been brought up with Fencer and the globals. Someone new will be added soon.

13. July 2006, 18:04:24
Subject: Harley
So...I just checked. Harley hasn't been on for several weeks. Rumors are she doesn't want to play anymore. Is she the best person for the main moderator here? That leaves baddessi as the only viable moderator and he hasn't been on for several days.

13. July 2006, 17:16:40
King Reza 
Subject: Re:
Rose:OK.  OK.

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