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Hrqls: Hiya! I got a bit mixed up, it was on my opponant,s first row and marked. For some some reason I started thinking that was my first row instead of my opponants lol! I was thinking to hard! Thanks very much anyway!
In Jarmo I just learned that even if your opponant,s man is marked he can still move and capture yet the rules say he has to stay where he is if he is on the first row? Can someone explain this rule better in plain English to me? Thanks very much!
We have three in the team and we could do with some players who know how to play this game now lol. If your interested please join THE FRIENDSHIP CLUB 2 and join in. You never know we may end up supprising ourselves!
Mousetrap: It's fairly easy to play, doesn't take long to learn the basic rules. Not that similar to breakthrough, although when all your pieces or the opponents pieces reach the last row the game is over.
Hrqls: Thanks again! I have to admit, that the english rules are quite understandable if read carefully enough ;) The german text says something like "if an archer has reached the opponents first row...", which can be seen as if the extra move has to made during the same turn.
kleineme: uhm .. i just looked at my old games .. it seems that you can make the move to the opponents 1st row, and in the next turn place a piece back on the board
Hrqls: Thanks for your answer! I didn't post it in the bug tracker yet, as this is my first game, so I thought it may be because of the lack of understanding the rules correctly ;) I will do it now.
[quote] If a player has at least one of his/her archers in the opponent's first row and this archer had captured an enemy archer before (it means that the archer is "marked"), he/she can place one of own captured archers back on his/her first row. [/quote]
if this rule applies, then what I am missing in this game: pyssso vs. kleineme? If I move from b3 to a1, then all I can do is to click on "move" button, no way to choose one of my captured pieces nor to click on one of the circles on my first row. What am i doing wrong?
Marfitalu: in the upper right corner of this site you can see a lot of flags .. click on the french flag and the whole site will be displayed in french
maybe this makes it easier for you to read it all :)
Pedro Martínez: ah! .. hmm 'decorum' .. i dont know a real english word for it (or it must be 'decorum' .. i wouldnt translate it as 'deftigheid' in this context .. although the dutch author did :)
'decorum' :
acting according to tradition ?
presenting one self according to what is expected ?
old fashioned ?
i am glad i am not a translator .. i would always be lost in such nuances :)
AbigailII: true :) but not many foreigners know can read the language and especially know the nuances for specific words when translated to another language :)
maybe i should have said i didnt know you are from a country where they speak dutch/belgium/south african :) .. and am positively surprised that you can read (and speak?) dutch :)
Hrqls: The provinces think of themselves as holding the moral high ground, usually supported by their religious faith and old-fashioned domestic vitrues. The cornerstone is the belief in deftigheid (decorum) which masks the provincial yearning for respectability. The younger generation, however, even in the provinces, often equates the term with excessive civility, stiffness and even hypocrisy.
AbigailII: thats true ... i didnt know you are dutch :)
all yoru translations of deftigheid are close (imo ;)) ... fashionables and upper-class come closest in the context i am thinking of :) or maybe as 'snobbish' or 'snobby' (is than an english word ? ;))
Hrqls: No, "modesty" means "bescheidenheid". I'd translate "deftigheid" as "distinction", "respectability", "dignity", "fashionableness", or "upper-class" depending on context.
(the english word for 'deftigheid' is probably 'modesty' ? ... but 'deftigheid' isnt exactly correct in this context .. i dont know which dutch word would be though ;))
Modificado por Niki (7. Septiembre 2004, 22:23:31)
Please see game 445929
Am I correct in thinking that your score relates to how many of your men are on the board ? If so, is there a glitch in this game, or am I missing something ? A piece hasn't been looped back on (I don't think) therefore I'm a little confused (again !) LOL ! So can your max score only ever be 5 ?
(ocultar) Si pinchas con el ratón sobre el nombre de una persona y luego picas en Partidas finalizadas entonces tendrás una lista de las partidas que ha completado. Una vez hecho esto, pincha sobre el nombre de un tipo de juego para obtener un resumen de todos estas partidas de este tipo y si pinchas sobre una de ellas podrás visualizar y analizarla. (Servant) (mostrar todos los consejos)