Welcome to the Diet Board. This is the place for anyone wanting advice, support or just to meet other people trying to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight too!
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Has anyone in here tried using raspberry ketones yet? They claim that it works very well. They also say that if you use the pure form that there is no side effects from it unless you are allergic to raspberries. I heard about it from watching the Dr. Oz show.
Otsikko: Re: Anyone suggest a diet to go along with it
paully: No junk food, no fast food, very little high-fructose corn syrup (processed foods mostly & soda), lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and real fruit juices...and throw in some dairy (men need calcium too) I'm envious, always wanted a bowflex
I just bought one and am going to try and start getting in shape. Does anyone own one here If so, any thoughts on their effectiveness and some hints for best effects Anyone suggest a diet to go along with it
1 cup soy flour 1/2 cup flaxseed meal 3 eggs 3/4 cup cream 1/3 cup club soda 1/4 cup finely grated parmesan cheese 1/4 cup finely grated Romano cheese 1 teaspoon dried basil 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon salt Water as needed 1-2 tablespoons olive oil
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Combine all ingredients, except water, in a mixing bowl. Combine until a thick dough forms, adding water as needed. (I use a Kitchenaid mixer and dough hook for best results). Divide dough in two parts. Brush two 12 inch pizza pans with olive oil. Spread dough evenly on the pizza pans. Place crusts on center racks of oven and bake for 12 to 15 minutes, until lightly golden and firm. Remove crusts from oven, cool, and top with Mama Bardelli’s Marinara Sauce, mozzarella and Italian cheeses, and other desired low carbohydrate ingredients such as sausage, pepperoni, olives, etc. Serves 10-16. 9 grams carbohydrates per slice.
Tip: Use imported Pecorino Romano (Pecorino al Basilico is excellent and eliminates the need for dried basil) and Parmagiano Reggiano cheeses for best flavor results. Both are available from iGourmet.com and Costco.
rednaz23: That drink is a tequila sunrise if you add Tequila. I used to drink it quite a bit in my younger days. They pack a wallop but you dont feel drunk!
xmas is soon: My Dinner for me and Sarah was excellent. Porkchops, green beans, baked potatoes, a salad... Mmmm!!! So tasty! It turned out quite well.
I also made Sarah a drink which is her 'special' tasty drink. OJ and 7up with a little grenadine. It makes the bottom half red, and the top half orange. Try it out! It is really good!
rednaz23: Do u have a grill, pork chops iare better grilled. As they are a very fatty meat, if you grill them then the fat can drain off. Pork does cook quite quickly, so just 3-4 minutes each side
half inch porkchops... how long do they take to cook in a pan on the stove? xx minutes one side, flip and xx minutes on the other side. Any ideas? Thanks!
Otsikko: I wanted to add some hints of what I am learning
I am now a member of First Place which is a support group for weight loss. I also am going to be working out at the club down the street. The membie fees aren't too bad.
I am doing this for myself. I have a grandbaby on the way so I want to be around to see him grow up.
About the caffeine.. I agree with Rose about weaning off. You have to be strong willed to go Cold Turkey on it and due to the withdrawal symptoms of headaches would encourage more to give in. You would be surprised how much weight comes off when you omit soda from your diet. Most teens today in the US struggle with weight issues, and most of their problems come from the soda they are drinking. The shops around here advertise these huge fountain drinks (soda) for small costs. What they don't put on those cups is how many calories, how much sugar, or even caffeine count is expected in that drink. When I learned a jumbo soda had the same calories in that one drink as some peeps calorie intake permitted in one day.. 1200 calories..
It really makes you stop and think how our companies really aren't caring about their consumers health.. but, more on getting us addicted to their product.
Rose: by back meats i mean white meat chichen, shoulder roast, center cut pork, all with no fat, cut all fat off, brown in olive oil not reg. oil, tinny bit oil, or bake, no fry.
with any and every meal, cuts your hunger in 1/2. eat small salad before any meal, cut meat portion into 4ths, eat 1/4 and cut starch in 1/2. as a dinner, for a lunch, a lean cousine tray and a fruit. I lost 2 plus pounds a week. Only back meats. no butter, no bread, no suger anything.
imsoaddicted: I wanted to raise "soda-free" kids so I gave it up a few years ago...I went to drinking tea (with caffeine), then just made it weaker every couple days, and in probably about two weeks started to drink de-caffeinated...I also tried every juice and flavored water out there till I found a few that I really liked that weren't too high in sugar - try to stay away from sugar-substitutes, I know a few people who blame that for migraines/headaches...just a thought if Rose's ideas aren't kicking it fully
Rose: from what im reading on the label it dosnt mention caffeine but then against it could be under another name but i will try from tomorrow to drink just one litre aday and half it again next week
imsoaddicted: I take it the pop you are referring to has caffeine in it? I had the same problem about 4 years ago and was told to get off the pop. I was drinking diet coke and about 3 litres ormore a day. the headaches lasted about 2 weeks ( withdrawl from the caffeine) Once you get through that the rest is a pie of cake ( bad pun for the diet board) The difference once you ween off caffeine is amazing. I was getting migraines, huge pains in my neck and legs nearly every week. I no longer get migraines on a regular basis now that Im off it. Hope that helps!
*to ween off, go from 2 litres to just 1 for about a week or so. Then cut that in half for another week. Unless you wanna go cold turkey like I did, but the other way the headaches may not be as bad.