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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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6. Setembro 2006, 16:54:56
Assunto: Re: pics of Damien
Tuesday: thanks...actually,his ears had another growth spurt,LOL!!! Now they are bigger then him again.He just went to vet today and got his last parvo booster,nails clipped and microchipped.He is up to 81.7 pounds!! Hims is a big boy!!

6. Setembro 2006, 20:48:49
Lisa G 
Assunto: Re: pics of Damien
anastasia: What kind of dog do you have?

7. Setembro 2006, 01:52:31
It's pink!

7. Setembro 2006, 02:11:46
Assunto: Re: pics of Damien
Toofer: german shepard....scroll down a few posts and you can click a link to see pics of him.

10. Setembro 2006, 13:32:48
Assunto: Re: Star
Modificado por heavenlyemma (10. Setembro 2006, 13:33:57)
anastasia: She's having her babies 1 little black one with little white front legs so far and mum is doing fine

Funny thing is she has decided to have them inside at the top of Jules's wardrobe on one of his good coats LOL it's Stars now eheheh

10. Setembro 2006, 14:39:58
Assunto: Re: Star
heavenlyemma: Congrats,Grandma!!!!! are you keeping the babies? That's why I could never breed a female,I couldn't give any babies up!!

10. Setembro 2006, 15:53:14
Assunto: Re: Star
anastasia: Emma's mum had to suffer that problem lol .. Star's had 2 so far, she's only a small cat. It's her first litter.

Emma's grossed out a bit as she had to remove the half eaten placenters (sp) Star didn't want anymore.

I'm glad I missed that job

10. Setembro 2006, 16:04:33
Looks like they are both boys, so no we will not be keeping them. ..... Well, Emma doesn't want the spraying but I'm sure my daughter will worm her way around her mum.. Just we'll have to neuter the kept one quickly before it gets used to spraying.

10. Setembro 2006, 16:37:16
Assunto: Re: Star
Modificado por heavenlyemma (10. Setembro 2006, 16:38:32)
anastasia: Cheers me dear, My mum was soft with me growing up when it came to animals and always let me alot of the time keep the kittens i'll probably do the same lol .. well maybe.

10. Setembro 2006, 16:43:17
Assunto: Re: Star
Jules: Tell me about it lol it's been quite a few years since i've had to do that.

10. Setembro 2006, 16:51:00


10. Setembro 2006, 17:03:09
Assunto: Re:
Jules: Yeaaaaaaah that's my girl i'm very proud of her but if she doesn't eat the placenter this time you can cut the cord lol

10. Setembro 2006, 17:12:35
Assunto: Re:
heavenlyemma: Oh no, no, no.

You're the expert

10. Setembro 2006, 18:42:34
Assunto: Re:
Jules: Gross I had to do it again, but they are sooooooooo beautiful and cute i'll have to take a pic to show everyone on here

10. Setembro 2006, 19:04:01
Assunto: Re:
heavenlyemma: Yep, give em time to feed and settle then we can take a pic for all to see.

And yes, I shouldn't be looking every ten minutes... but, but.. Awwwwwwwwwwwww

10. Setembro 2006, 22:00:01
Assunto: Sad news....
There was a 4th kitten born, but he didn't make it we tried to bring him back but just died.

11. Setembro 2006, 00:32:29
Assunto: Re: Sad news....
heavenlyemma: Awwwww, sorry the little one didn't make it. Baby kittens are sooooo cute!

11. Setembro 2006, 01:24:54
Assunto: Re: Sad news....
heavenlyemma: I'm sorry he didn't make it :( It would be cool if you could keep them.DEFINATLY get them all fixed though,interbreeding would just be asking for trouble.Congats and PLEASE post some pics asap!!!

11. Setembro 2006, 19:35:17
Assunto: Re:spraying
Tuesday: They told me if I fixed Patch he wouldn't be as aggresive...WRONG! He was meaner!!! I just believe in fixing so they can't reproduce irresponsibly and to reduce the risk of certain cancers.

11. Setembro 2006, 19:55:47
Assunto: Re:spraying
Tuesday: OMG! me too! It IS embarrassing!! they said,oh,we will just take them out and dump them at the farm,they always need cats....uh,NO THEY DON'T...that angered me!!

11. Setembro 2006, 19:58:24
Assunto: Re:spraying
anastasia: OMG!!

12. Setembro 2006, 13:26:43
Assunto: Re:spraying
CinnamonGirl: yeah..it's abandonment!! I don't understand the way people think! Oh,it's to expensive to get ONE fixed...you get ONE fixed and you can literally save dozens if not hundreds of lives of animals! If people did nothing but CONTROLLED bredding,overpopulation wouldn't be a problem,but unfortanatly,you have people like our families,you have back yard breeders...shame really.My parents had like 5 cats at one time...you know all outside "mousers" as people call them.Not one of them they had fixed and they started to multiply,FAST..well,after so long,they got overwhelmed and took them and dumped them all at some farms,still unfixed.Stupid!!

12. Setembro 2006, 13:38:55
Assunto: Re:spraying
anastasia: I've always said if I ever won the lotto and had a lot of money I would pay all the vets in my province to have one day a month to advertise spaying and neutering cats (cats run wild here not dogs so I want to concentrate on lowering the feral cat population). I would foot the bill. It would help a little bit. It drives me mad when I see cats outside in my neighbourhood and then see them preggo every year. I am also a firm believer that cats in cities and urban areas do not belong outdoors. Too many things to harm them like disease, cars, people, not to mention fleas. If you love your cats keep them in doors and get them fixed! I have 11 cats and each one was fixed as soon as they were old enough.

12. Setembro 2006, 13:39:14
Assunto: Re:spraying
CinnamonGirl: wow..I never knew the numbers..that's incredible!

12. Setembro 2006, 13:47:40
Assunto: Re:spraying
CinnamonGirl: Yes youre right they can. Scarey isn't it?
Maybe by us discussing it here we can spread the word a bit. I know there are vets in every city around here that will fix a cat if a person has absolutely no money at all. My vet also takes a payment plan if you really need to get your animal spayed or neutered and are low on cash. There is no reason to NOT get it done.

12. Setembro 2006, 14:04:36
Assunto: Re:spraying
Rose: Dogs should also be put into that catagory of getting fixed,Although I feel like a bit of a hipocrite on that because of us not having Damien fixed yet.If it was my choice,he would be fixed and we would get a pound pup.Hubby wants to breed Damien though and we will take pick of the litter.The ONE plus to that,is,it WILL be a planned pregnancy,the female will be chossen carefully to ensure the bloodline stays strong with no genetic defects.Pups from the litter go for about $2,000.00 so I'm sure that people paying that kind of money would be more responsible.Although one never knows.These dogs are used for protection,police and military.Damien will soon be trained in tracking and is my goal to have him someday help in a missing person case.We will be getting him fixed after the conception takes place though.

13. Setembro 2006, 14:55:06
Assunto: Re:Kittens update
anastasia: All 3 are doing fine, Mum's coping well with the arguing at milk times

I hopefully will get a picture done today, just waiting for my bro to get home to borrow his digi as mines knackered.

13. Setembro 2006, 14:58:33
Assunto: Re:Kittens update
heavenlyemma: do we have names for them yet? there are 3,right? Glad all is going well for you guys!!

13. Setembro 2006, 15:08:42
Assunto: Re:Kittens update
anastasia: Becca my little girl already wants to name them lol yes there's 3 :) no names yet.

I'm not keeping any that's what I say but becca says different

13. Setembro 2006, 19:14:01
Assunto: Re:Kittens update
heavenlyemma: Couldn't ya keep just one..for Becca!!

13. Setembro 2006, 22:26:55
Assunto: Re:Kittens update
heavenlyemma: well,mama kitty belongs to all...Becca could have one,you could have one,and Jules could have the other...see,you CAN keep them!!!

14. Setembro 2006, 17:22:25
Assunto: Re:Kittens update
anastasia: We'll see.

19. Setembro 2006, 23:39:15
Assunto: I did it again Asia
Another kitty was abandoned so we took her in. The neighbours behind us moved out Saturday left two cats alone in the house for 4 days.. landlord came in today an found em.. damn shame.. people should be shot.. one neighbour took in one, we took in the weakest.. going to take her to emerg in a bit to see if she is ok... what a cutie tho. I dont think I will ever understand how people can move away and leave a pet behind. We are also taking in an unwanted female this week so the house is going to be crazy for a few weeks.. the new scent thing takes a bit of getting used to. If we do take in the other new one that puts us at 13 in total. I need a bigger house, this 3 story one isnt cutting it anymore!

20. Setembro 2006, 00:57:43
Assunto: Re: I did it again Asia
Rose: Do you keep them Rose or do you foster them untill they get adopted? I think it is great what you are doing.People that help the animals go to heaven!!

20. Setembro 2006, 01:04:13
Assunto: Re: I did it again Asia
 anastasia: We keep all the ones we rescue. We've had a house fulla cats for about 10 years now. But this is the most we have ever had. The oldest is about 11 ish we figure. Youngest is this new one and I put her at about 16 months.. if that..
If the animal rescue society didnt help us with food and vet bills we couldnt do it. I so wish I could take in them all. I get calls every week to take in cats. I always, always tell people that I am the last resort. When folks exhaust all other resouces and before a cat is headed to the SPCA to bring em to me.. we know our local SPCA puts down dozens a week.. It makes me so angry

20. Setembro 2006, 03:46:26
Assunto: Re: I did it again Asia
Rose: my first day at the shelter,we put down like 50 cats.It is sad.So many were sickly,or feral though and could never be adopted out.Most however were just unlucky enough to be born to irrisponsible owners.

20. Setembro 2006, 05:36:20
Assunto: Re: I did it again Asia
anastasia: At the end of July, a friend and I took in a calico that might barely have been 2 weeks old and had lost its mom. She was so weak and tiny--had difficulty breathing, ear mites, little appetite, etc. I think she weighed about 10 oz. She wasn't thriving here at home. After a couple of days in the animal hospital, she started getting better. We took care of her ear mites, and she started gaining a little more than an ounce per day, consistently. Some people made fun of us for all the time and money we spent, but I'm happy. She's about 4 pounds now, and going in for her last shot and to be spayed this Friday. A real cutie--some dark coloration around her eyes that make her look like a raccoon or a bandit! She has no fear of the pair of 7 year old cats already living here. There's still some hissing going on, and occasional "punches" thrown and races through the house at breakneck speed...but I think they'll all become friends before long.

20. Setembro 2006, 13:57:59
Assunto: Re: I did it again Asia
wetware: I love hearing stuff like this you guys!!! I get newsletters from Peta alot and try not to post to much negative stuff here,although,I think it needs to be posted at times,to keep people informed.Stories like this make me feel good! Never trust a person that wouldn't help an animal!!

20. Setembro 2006, 14:03:16
Assunto: Re: I did it again Asia
wetware: Aww you are an amazing person. I can relate to the amount of money you spend. My mom in law is always saying things like " why do you spend so much money on them? You arent taking in another are you? If everyone was like that we wouldnt be a very good society. I spent $1200 last year on an abandoned siamese. She had bladder problems from drinking water off leaves in the woods ( or lack of drinking enough water) she is 100% healthy now and I wouldnt give her up for the world. We named her Chigger cuz she was full of chigger mites when we found her. To this day it is kinda funny to watch her drink from the water fountain. She still laps up as if trying to get water off leaves.. guess that wont change.
Congrats to wetware on saving the calico! She has the perfect home now!

20. Setembro 2006, 14:16:17
Assunto: Re: I did it again Asia
Rose: I would love to hit the lotto one day (soon,lol) cuz I would move out into the country and buy up 100's of acres and make a shelter for the animals...not just the dogs and cats but exotic too.Google Noahs lost ark,it is a rescue in our area for exotics,good cause! My husband's guys take the dead deer they pick up off the road to them for the big cats.
I have never understood people that question how much you spend on an animal.I have no kids so I see no difference in spending the money on Damien vs. a kid.I would take my kid to get his shots,buy him toys and treats and good food for his belly.Animals have feeling too for pete's sake.My brother in law asked once (he is not an animal lover) why do you have dogs they stink..I said why do you have kids,they can get a bit smelly themselves,can't they? He just walked away,lol.

20. Setembro 2006, 14:49:53
Assunto: pics of Damien
I have just updated the pics of Damien at damiensroom.snapfish.com It will ask you to create an account if you go look but that is just so I know how many people view the albums.

20. Setembro 2006, 22:25:57
Assunto: Noah's ark
Anastasia and I have went to this park a couple of times and it is just amazing what they are doing with the animals there. Love it. Anastasia has a goat friend that likes her lots there lol

21. Setembro 2006, 19:45:48
Assunto: Re: Noah's ark
Gemina: GOATIE!!!! OMG! that must be the fattest little goat I have ever seen in my life! She is my little buddy huh? The first time we went there Gemina and I were reading the stories behind the animals and we were crying...ours husbands thought we were whacked,lol....sad though!

21. Setembro 2006, 19:50:10
Assunto: Damien update
Modificado por anastasia (21. Setembro 2006, 19:51:02)
well,as all of you know,Damien will be going into shutzhund traing the end of October.I was only going to take him through training to obtain levels 1 and 2..obidience and tracking.After ALOT of reading,research and soul searching,I have decided to take him into level 3 training also,which is protction.This animal is my passion and the only thing that would be holding him back,would be me.I think he would THRIVE in all the training and I want to take him as high as he can go.The sky is the limit for this animal.Alot of people are against this training,saying it will make him meaner or change him in some way,but I have met many dogs with this training and they are wonderful animals.I just want the best for Damien and I think this is it.

21. Setembro 2006, 22:46:37
Assunto: Re: Damien update
anastasia: I agree and think you should go as far as you can with him. The training will do him wonders as it has already :)

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